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  1. sure man, what do you need help with?
  2. sure man, message me on gg and i will help
  3. View File Free Lottery | Free Shopping | Version23.1.3 Weapons are bugged. Some upgrades work. gadgets work. And probably other things too. Tested on Bluestacks Root 64 bit IF IT DOESNT WORK EXECUTE TWICE WHILE IN LOADING SCREEN AND CHANGE THE EXTENTION TO .TXT also try to execute it twice at 1% Submitter n4x86 Submitted 03/14/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Weapons are bugged. Some upgrades work. gadgets work. And probably other things too. You can buy guns from traders van. Tested on Bluestacks Root 64 bit IF IT DOESNT WORK EXECUTE TWICE WHILE IN LOADING SCREEN AND CHANGE THE EXTENTION TO .TXT also try to execute it twice at 1%
  5. add me on discord i will help you : never#8768
  6. you can be any level and i will update it right now!
  7. sorry about the trouble i had to update the file to the newest version (23.1.2) let me know if you need help with anything else.
  8. what version of game are you on?
  9. are you 64 bit? The version of the game this script is for is 23.1.0 | i will make a 23.1.2 right now.
  10. i just tested on Bluestacks 5 and it worked completely fine. DId you play a game after executing the script?
  11. what device are you on?
  12. View File Level 65 script | 23.3.2 Lvl 65 (instant) any level TESTED ON BLUESTACKS!!!! not sure for other devices. MUST BE PIXEL GUN VERSION 23.1.3!! Submitter n4x86 Submitted 03/08/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 1.2


    Lvl 65 (instant) any level TESTED ON BLUESTACKS!!!! not sure for other devices. 64 bit MUST BE PIXEL GUN VERSION 23.3.2!!
  14. did you get it to acttully like give you the chests for free? or did it just show that it was -100, -1000 etc?
  15. Ok. so it works. but it only displays that is is -100, -1000 etc. It is not actully -100 -1000 etc.
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