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Everything posted by TariqAlid

  1. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    It not work , I search the value with A memory range, and then I got the result, so i changed the value so i can get less value, but when i change all the value(i get 70 result) to 1, nothing happen, the game not crash & the cat level is not changed.
  2. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    i get the result, but its much harder to hack, btw thanks for the info :).
  3. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    11.9 I use gameguardian 32bit i trying to search cb:c++ .bs to hack unlock all cats
  4. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    i cannot hack with Other memory range
  5. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    ok, i will try
  6. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    So i need to change the memory range from cb to A or another? but how i can know?
  7. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    Region? what is that? can you explain it? edit : is that something like memory range?
  8. how to use unlock All characters
  9. TariqAlid

    The Battle Cats

    I use gameguardian to hack the battle cats in my phone, but because my phone is not root, I use dualspace for use the gameguardian, it work, but when i fuzzy search with cb:C++ .bs memory range i dont get any result, how to fix it?
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