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  1. I have been told that i can search for decimal values using the float function in GameKiller Pro. I am not sure how to search for the value like how would i search for a value 80.875
  2. Yeah got the coins but the adress changed for the next match.
  3. Nonoono i managed to hack the time and the game saved (played quick match ut) but my game has this bug where it asks me to download the commentary and freezes and i lost the value i used.
  4. Nonoono i managed to hack the time and the game saved (played quick match ut) but my game has this bug where it asks me to download the commentary and freezes and i lost the value i used.
  5. Thanks i will work on this later tonight Thanks i will work on this tonight
  6. Try and forward the time and not end the half. Just let a few minutes remain and play.
  7. Could you possibly post the game time addresses?
  8. You have to be using play store version first of all for freedom. Secondly use freedom to press the unlock all which will probably lead to an error. Than quickly press the check for existing purchases. It worked for me. If it still fails use the unlock all apk in the mpdded apks section. Oopseh i hacked the score but it takes too long as well. Do you think there would be any method to hack the game time?
  9. Hello. I have tried all methods i know to cheat the FIFA points in this game. I have used game guardian but the server resets the value. Freedom works for unlock modes but for FIFA points the transaction goes through and at the end says 'Purchase cancelled'. Is there no other method short of hacking the servers for the fifa points?
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