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  1. Hello again:)) i encounter an error with this when the searches are 1000 it only search 7 - 255 not all the way of the adress2 would you mind fixing it i tried my best did not worked
  2. It's the Unlock all cats basically the 700 the thing since the first offset have 0 cost and erroring to the game so i need that one anyways if you can help really appreciate it
  3. Do you know how to edit the first adress is a higher value it should edit the rest like that? Example First adress - first offset value is 671,018 The rest is 671,017 Then a script which edit it like this Script Then All of them will be the same as the first adress?
  4. Thank you sir! Appreciate it
  5. Here the first picture is the first offset = The Speed Up And the second picture is the last offset = Sniper the cat
  6. I can provide an screenshot if needed!
  7. speed up tresure Cat sniper Max wallet 2xp Etc.. The one in the item shop The first offset is the first item which is Speed up the last offset is the last itwm which i forgot ghe name
  8. Idk the code that i suppose to fix though. How can i fix it. Anyway would be thank full if you show some template for it ! Also the thing im trying to search is already in the Help o posted. local pi = gg.getRangesList("libnative-lib.so:bss")[1].start local u = {} u[1] = {address = pi + 0xAAF0, flags = 4} a = gg.getValues(u) local Value1 = a[1].value u[1] = {address = pi + 0xAAF4 , flags = 4} b = gg.getValues(u) local Value2 = b[1].value gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(Value1..";-0~0;"..Value2.."::2809", 4) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) for i,v in ipairs(result) do v.value = 1 v.flags = 4 end gg.setValues(result) t = nil end end Here you go this is the offset of the Items in the shop from first to bottom im trying to search all the value starting from the offset of the first and stopping at the offset two so i can edit it by 500 0
  9. 64 bit but enclude 32 bit just incase if i needed it in the future I tried that but it only search some of it
  10. Hello again yes Really appreciate it the way you helped me before!
  11. Im trying to figure out how to search in a certain offsets. Here's the script im trying to make The game had a usual value variety from -20184193 to 2058149 there random when i tried this local pi = gg.getRangesList("libnative-lib.so:bss")[1].start local u = {} u[1] = {address = pi + 0xC798, flags = 4} a = gg.getValues(u) local Value1 = a[1].value u[1] = {address = pi + 0xD290 , flags = 4} b = gg.getValues(u) local Value2 = b[1].value gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(Value1..";0~0;"..Value2.."::2809", 4) local count = gg.getResultsCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) for i,v in ipairs(result) do v.value = 1 v.flags = 4 end gg.setValues(result) t = nil end end Some of them doesn't get involved I need a way to actually just put the offsets and the end offsets to search from that adress Basically like this First offsets - 8D Values from the middle will be all collected starting from the point of the first offset and will end in the end offsets which is Value[2] End offsets - 10A
  12. Hi Bro im here again Can you do only one times download this time I already made the download section but once i download it It still ask me to download it again/ internet access again even i downloaded it any idea once i download it it will no longer ask only on one Lua file i already know how to execute it after it download only the problem is its keep asking
  13. ... I don't think you know it i dont want the online script i wanted it to just download once then after It will no longer ask and just use dofile(file i just download ) and Like that when theres new update it will Pop up again and after it no longer pop up again its just like in one time password thing but i can make it on an online script download sadly And i need this becouse after i encrypt the file it will do one time password and when rerun the script it will run the file it downloaded and no inter access required stuff like that Since it encrypted to Thanks if you understand if further no understation thanks for helping me anyway but really needing the requirements i really need.
  14. No becouse i wanted it so the user cant go to the file And automatically run it self after download That what im saying you can see i have dofile in the bottom i need to remove the download after i Downloaded it Why i need this becouse im doing this for automatically update script thats why thanks if you guys can help i see a lot of people do this but dont tell me how sadly
  15. I used google drive still when i press the script it always say du u want internet access i need to remove it after i download the script which i download and still needing to allow it when i already have it any solution how to remove it after i download it and when it detect i dont have the file it will Automatically Pop it up?
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