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  1. Sorry it was the mod version,i was wrong Here's the Original one https://www.mediafire.com/file/tzlxwfckd5ep9l4/HeroFighterX_FullVer.apk/file Your method is still not working in the Paid version,the free versions don't need to do like that you can just edit the value Screenrecorder-2022-10-19-17-37-17-67_0_COMPRESSED_1.mp4 This version doesn't have anti cheats Thanks for the helps anyways I'll come ask again when the paid version was Cracked or become free. I have reached my limit for posts today too
  2. The game is not available in the playstore because it got cracked within the released year,and also this is not original version,the fanmade mod for supporting the Game author But there's free version of the game,you can download it here https://www.mediafire.com/file/03skz3u40w2gxi1/HeroFighterX_CrazyAI.apk/file I will try learning the methods you mentioned from Youtube,thanks for your help,i really appreciate it
  3. I already tried changing the value in all types(which is work in the OLD version of the game) The game is still freezing. Do you have any guide videos for that? I don't know how to do these. Thanks for helping Sure,i will come ask again if the Game was Cracked or become free to play.
  4. Yes i said its not free but i was not clear,anyways thanks for your time bro,Have a nice day.
  5. Yes,exactly, Hacking both hp and mp was possible in the Old Version of the game,but in the new version of the game,changing/freezing the value will crashes/freeze the game. Is there anyways to bypass/solve it? btw MP is not attack,its like mana,the value requires to use skill,in the video its shown as the Blue Bar under the Character.
  6. Just in case,here is the video that the value changing doesnt freeze game in the Older VERSION Screenrecorder-2022-10-19-17-37-17-67_0_COMPRESSED_1.mp4 Screenrecorder-2022-10-19-17-37-17-67_0_COMPRESSED_1.mp4
  7. No problem at all bro,thanks for helping
  8. Do you have to play it to check? The game needs Premium of the game to play so i don't know if it will be helpful,anyways here's the game's link https://www.mediafire.com/file/0jk0rrh8xj2gr4j/HFX-ChaoticWorld_V1.2.apk/file I provide the link, let me know if it works or not
  9. Can you see the video now? lv_0_20221019193439.mp4 If the video file is still not there, https://streamable.com/yr25qo
  10. Hello,In the video i attached,i was trying to edit/freezes the value of the character's MP/HP but when I changes the value the game freezes itself.This does not happen in the Old Version of the game,so Is there anyways to solve it? Screenrecorder-2022-10-19-17-33-38-823_0_COMPRESSED.mp4
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