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  1. I dont realy know, he told us in discord that he was succesfull and hacked the diamonds, example in background of them and shared that ss, thas all and now icant find him anymore to talk with him, idk what happend, thas the only clue i have, idk if he did by clain in mail or direct bypassed the anti cheat
  2. I apreciate your script, you are a god, sad that u cant do diamonds, i dont know how that guy did it, check this screen shot where he told us he was able to do diamonds as u can see in backround diamonds are hacked but idk how he did it, also this soulstones can be hacked too, try it if u have time
  3. No chance for diamonds bro? I know for sure is possible, can u try more for it?
  4. Nice job, but for this gold is already a mod, we want more diamond one
  5. I did pretry much, but they have anti cheat and you need the xor key to bypass them, and i dont know how to do it
  6. Yes, i know someone who can change diamonds as i have my account with 1.000.000 diamonds made by him also the value of diamonds is in E.word and you need somehow to transform them in bytes before u change, i dont realy know thats why im asking for help
  7. I already know that diamonds can be hacked in this game, but i dont know how to bypass the anticheat and modify the encrypted xor values, i wonder if any sensei here can give me a hand or know something: here a ss with my find. (ps. the game wont work with root so parallel space is the only way)
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