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Everything posted by Kingofslavs

  1. How to find out the base address of the region others.
  2. I mistakenly mixed up the offsets, changed the offsets for the 32 system with the 64 bit one and everything worked
  3. function isProcess64Bit() -- Function -> by CmP: https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/36604-how-to-get-instruction-set-architecture-on-emulator-virtual-memory-addresses/?do=findComment&comment=135506 local regions = gg.getRangesList() local lastAddress = regions[#regions]["end"] return (lastAddress >> 32) ~= 0 end local ISA = isProcess64Bit() function offsetExe() if ISA == false then offset_cdExe = 0x04 offset_AnonToPtrVal = 0x7C offset_PtrToVal = 0xA0 offset_toJump = 0x50 offset_ToPointer = 0x30 dataType = gg.TYPE_DWORD elseif ISA == true then offset_cdExe = 0x08 offset_AnonToPtrVal = 0xE8 offset_PtrToVal = 0x118 offset_toJump = 0x88 offset_ToPointer = 0x18 dataType = gg.TYPE_QWORD end end offsetExe() function dec2hex(dec) local hex = string.gsub(dec, " ", "") local hex = string.format("%X", hex) return "0x"..hex end function searchString() local t = {} local replaceManager = {} gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP) gg.searchNumber("h 00 4E 53 74 36 5F 5F 6E 64 6B 31 32 30 5F 5F 73 68 61 72 65 64 5F 70 74 72 5F 65 6D 70 6C 61 63 65 49 31 31 41 74 74 61 63 6B 53 74 61 74 65 4E 53 5F 39 61 6C 6C 6F 63 61 74 6F 72 49 53 31 5F 45 45 45 45 00", gg.TYPE_BYTE) t = gg.getResults(2) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber(t[2].address, dataType) t = gg.getResults(1) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(t[1].address - offset_cdExe, dataType) t = gg.getResults(1) t[1].address = t[1].address + offset_cdExe gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(t[1].address, dataType) t = gg.getResults(1) t[1].address = t[1].address + offset_AnonToPtrVal t = gg.getValues(t) if ISA == false then t[1].value = t[1].value&0xFFFFFFFF end t[1].address = t[1].value + offset_PtrToVal t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD replaceManager = gg.getValues(t) gg.addListItems(replaceManager) new_address = replaceManager[1].address - offset_toJump gg.addListItems({{address = new_address + 0x4, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) -- value gg.addListItems({{address = dec2hex(new_address), flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) end function replayTics() local tt = {} local replaceManagerr = {} gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP) gg.searchNumber("h 00 4E 53 74 36 5F 5F 6E 64 6B 31 31 30 5F 5F 66 75 6E 63 74 69 6F 6E 36 5F 5F 66 75 6E 63 49 5A 4E 31 31 41 74 74 61 63 6B 53 74 61 74 65 31 36 6F 6E 52 65 70 6C 61 79 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 64 45 4F 4E 53 5F 31 30 75 6E 69 71 75 65 5F 70 74 72 49 36 52 65 70 6C 61 79 4E 53 5F 31 34 64 65 66 61 75 6C", gg.TYPE_BYTE) tt = gg.getResults(2) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER) gg.searchNumber(tt[2].address, dataType) tt = gg.getResults(1) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(tt[1].address - offset_cdExe, dataType) tt = gg.getResults(1) tt[1].address = tt[1].address + offset_cdExe gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(tt[1].address, dataType) tt = gg.getResults(1) tt[1].address = tt[1].address + offset_ToPointer tt = gg.getValues(tt) if ISA == false then tt[1].value = tt[1].value&0xFFFFFFFF end tt[1].address = tt[1].value tt[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD replaceManagerr = gg.getValues(tt) gg.addListItems(replaceManagerr) end searchString() replayTics() The search string function works on 32-bit and 64-bit systems. But replayTics does not work on 32-bit systems.
  4. in cheat engine there is a function that allows you to see which address changes the value of another address, is there such a function in GameGuardian?
  5. The decryption key is very far from the encrypted values, I found it using fuzzy search
  6. These are gem cost values, but they are encrypted, how can I decrypt them? The value changes every time I enter a dungeon, but the cost of the gems is the same
  7. Screenrecorder-2024-01-16-17-54-28-450.mp4 I wanted to find a value by its string, but this string contains several values, how can I find the value I need?
  8. does this work for you?
  9. take a screenshot of search regions
  10. View File King of thieves script This is one of the few scripts for the game king of thieves. This script has the following functions: 1. Rage 1.1 Instant win (The character instantly appears at the chest, works everywhere, even in the labyrinth, does not get banned, but crashes) 1.2 Catacombs 100% (the best cheat for the catacombs, allows you to collect all the skulls on the map and go through the catacombs in 2 minutes) 1.3 Change character speed 1.4 Change jump force 1.5 Disable all saws 2. Legit 2.1 Collect exp (The character instantly collects all the exp, flasks and skulls on the map, does not ban) 2.2 Opening the door on the first attempt 2.3 Anti AFK 2.4 Immortality in the catacombs 2.5 Install a timer in the mystic realm for 2 seconds 2.6 slow motion effect (doesn't work on 32 bit system) Operation on emulators is not guaranteed. if you know any cheats that are not in my script, write to me in telegram If something doesn’t work for you, write to me in telegram Submitter Kingofslavs Submitted 04/20/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 3.51


    This is one of the few scripts for the game king of thieves. This script has the following functions: 1. Rage 1.1 Instant win (The character instantly appears at the chest, works everywhere, even in the labyrinth, does not get banned, but crashes) 1.2 Catacombs 100% (the best cheat for the catacombs, allows you to collect all the skulls on the map and go through the catacombs in 2 minutes) 1.3 Change character speed 1.4 Change jump force 1.5 Disable all saws 2. Legit 2.1 Collect exp (The character instantly collects all the exp, flasks and skulls on the map, does not ban) 2.2 Opening the door on the first attempt 2.3 Anti AFK 2.4 Immortality in the catacombs 2.5 Install a timer in the mystic realm for 2 seconds 2.6 slow motion effect (doesn't work on 32 bit system) Operation on emulators is not guaranteed. if you know any cheats that are not in my script, write to me in telegram If something doesn’t work for you, write to me in telegram
  12. Kingofslavs


    dont work but im run decrypt on 450 mb plz help me
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