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Posts posted by TypoWasTaken

  1. On 3/26/2024 at 10:17 AM, lizzyy said:

    I watched the video but when I change numbers my barn space goes positive not negative so I have to throw away the items to be abke to buy any off global

    Hey, I would help you with this but I have stopped messing with games recently, if you let me know the emulator  you are using along with walking me through step by step what you did to try to get the barn space I might be able to help you, I probably won’t be very helpful to you but I can try!

  2. Hi, I was having trouble with getting unlimited barn for a long time and then I found this video that worked and was very helpful on the first try

    and if you want to get keys/coins you need to do a d word search

    (don’t do too many keys or you will get banned, and for coins don’t do more than around 35,000)

    (let me know if the video is down)

  3. 4 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Never saw, but not every post will always be responded to or read. But if the script works fine then i guess the solution has been provided. Will upload script officially in the Lua section then more easy for update.

    could you also send me the link for that when you do it lol?

  4. 6 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Congrats! Which forum posts? It's possible it wasn't seen or there was no time for take a look at the game.

    There was probably like 10 of them or something so I can’t link them all but I will link one or two and if you want to see the rest you can just search “farmville 2 unlimited barn” in the search bar

    Farmville 2 (#3ccuulfw)Farmville 2 country escape (#1380g6py)

    I am going to try and send them some videos that were helpful to me so they can do it

  5. 25 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Can make a video on how i did it. But will not be now. Found a bit more things here. I added it to the script. Just need to check if it works for 32 bit as well.

    Script ended:
          Name: -> animalCount | Value: -> 0
          Name: -> level | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> coOpStateDuringRamp | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> IsEarlySocialExpired | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Highest_TOS_Version_Acknowledged | Value: -> 7
          Name: -> AllianceFlowState | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> earnedAtMerchants | Value: -> 1961
          Name: -> salesAtMerchants | Value: -> 127
          Name: -> soldAtMerchants | Value: -> 10169
          Name: -> soldAtMerchantsWheat_01 | Value: -> 113
          Name: -> MotdAlliancesNeverShowAgain | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> soldAtMerchantsApple_01 | Value: -> 80
          Name: -> key | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> soldAtMerchantsFlour_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> flags_cleanup | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> speedSeedFTUE | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> workshopUpgradeFTUE | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> soldAtMerchantsCow_Milk_01 | Value: -> 8
          Name: -> BackFortyIntroDialog | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> svDooberInventoryXPFlag | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> RateGameAutoPopViews | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> FTUE_PHASE8_01coin | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Sunny_Glade_01_intro_seen | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> FTUE_PHASE8_03key | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> FTUE_TreasureHunting_01Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> FTUE_TreasureHunting_01th_intro_pack_loot_glta | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> th_ach_Net_Rare_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> th_ach_journal | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> th_ach_Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> th_ach_Sea_Salt_01 | Value: -> 5
          Name: -> th_ach_key | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> th_ach_Silver_Anchor_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> th_ach_coin | Value: -> 50000
          Name: -> th_ach_Pearl_01 | Value: -> 4
          Name: -> soldAtMerchantsBlackberries_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Event174_POI_01_intro_seen | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> EEE_granted_stamps | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> CFMotds | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> FTUE_CountyFair_IntroMineWaitTime_Level3 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> W2E_Motd_Shown | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Windmill_01 | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> Cow_Basic_01 | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> Hay_Dude_01 | Value: -> 6
          Name: -> Hay_Girl_01 | Value: -> 5
          Name: -> Apple_Tree_02 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Pastry_Oven_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Cow_Basic_02 | Value: -> 6
          Name: -> Fence_Left_01 | Value: -> 16
          Name: -> Corn_Crop_01 | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> Barrel_Flowers_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Corn_Crop_02 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Apple_Tree_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Apple_Tree_03 | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> Wheat_Crop_03 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Silo_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Toolshed_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Doghouse_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Dairy_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> partnerAnimalPedestal_Pig_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Cow_Prized_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Cat_House_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Pig_Prized_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> partnerAnimalPedestal_Pig_02 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Chicken_Basic_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Stamp_Common_01 | Value: -> 99999
          Name: -> Stamp_Uncommon_01 | Value: -> 99999
          Name: -> Stamp_Rare_01 | Value: -> 99999
          Name: -> level | Value: -> 99999
          Name: -> speedseedvisit | Value: -> 5
          Name: -> xp | Value: -> 16250247
          Name: -> speedseed | Value: -> 100000
          Name: -> Buttermilk_Biscuit_01 | Value: -> 100000
          Name: -> Wheat_01 | Value: -> 99743
          Name: -> coin | Value: -> 141908
          Name: -> Event174_Headstart_Box01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Flour_01 | Value: -> 99999
          Name: -> Apple_01 | Value: -> 99926
          Name: -> PowerPin_ExtraPeachy_14d | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> PowerPin_SoupStirrir_7d | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Apple_01_MasterySeal | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Map_Piece_01 | Value: -> 2
          Name: -> Sea_Salt_01 | Value: -> 5
          Name: -> Net_Uncommon_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Net_Common_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Silver_Anchor_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> Pearl_01 | Value: -> 4
          Name: -> PowerPinActive_01 | Value: -> 6
          Name: -> Event174_Phase01_Craft_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> MineWaitTime_Level3 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> key | Value: -> 29
          Name: -> Cow_Milk_01 | Value: -> 1
          Name: -> progress | Value: -> 7

    I think a video i can make in the weekend.

    ok thank you could you send me a message or quote my post when you make a video?


    also thank you again for the script when i used it I also noticed that as I gained more items if I reran the script they will popup in the list so I can edit them which is awesome


    also I found out how to get unlimited barn after, surprisingly easy and I don’t know why there is no one answering peoples forum posts about it


    also what is “speedseedvisit” in the script?

  6. 16 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Yes i just checked. It's from Entry[], You have pointers to strings. A bunch of pointers to strings. It's possible you can edit way more then just the coins and keys. But i quickly check if i don't get any bans




    How did you manage to do that so quick?


    i think i sent my message twice

  7. Just now, nok1a said:

    Yes i just checked. It's from Entry[], You have pointers to strings. A bunch of pointers to strings. It's possible you can edit way more then just the coins and keys. But i quickly check if i don't get any bans

    ok thanks what does Entry[] mean?


    Also could you tell me how you found the pointers I could not find any 


    I have edited a lot more stuff like speed seed and others and I also posted up the other day asking for help trying to get unlimited barn space no one is answering but I know its possible 

    4 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Yes i just checked. It's from Entry[], You have pointers to strings. A bunch of pointers to strings. It's possible you can edit way more then just the coins and keys. But i quickly check if i don't get any bans



    Great Job Hacking all of that how did you do that so quick?

  8. Just now, nok1a said:

    I see, i edited wrong values. Yes works very well.

    can you check if there is any pointers or something similar


    also any chance you have some links to some resources that could help me make a simple script to do this?

  9. @nok1a


    Here is the video:

    I spent more than I had and did the hack like I normally do


    Are you attempting to replicate it still?


    Edit: also is there anyway to make it so I can possibly speed up the process without pointers?

    (I don't think the game has any but I might be wrong)


    Edit Again: I found out that I only have to modify one of the values I just had to figure out which one to modify

  10. 3 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    You can upload on YouTube and put video on hidden, then share link

    I disabled the wifi.


    It appears that you are in the coin shop if you exit that then the game can still be played that specific screen needs to connect to google play servers

  11. 7 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    But you didn't buy more then you already had. The only way to know if your cheat really works is by looking for your coins value and buying something which is higher then the value you originally had before editing it.

    you permanently changed the values? So they remained even after restarting game?I ask because i want to make sure i get the right values. I did what you did in the video and edited values to 999 or more but i could not buy more then my original values. I originally i had 2 keys. edit it to 999. Then tried buying something which costed 50 keys. Game said i did not* had enough keys.

    ok so the keys and coins remain after restarting the game and I did buy something off camera that was more but it cant go below zero


    in the video I think I edited the wrong keys usually when I do it and it works them there is only 3 values not like 6 so I am only to try with a group search like i do quite a bit, I cant upload a video tho as I have reached my vimeo limit

    2 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Making me guess that the method you tried for modifying keys is server sided.

    I don't know if this matters but the game can be played completely offline


    Edit: I am fresh installed farmville and trying a search with the keys and coins

  12. 7 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Are you sure that works? Have you tried buying something when the keys where on zero and the purchase actually going through?

    Yup I do this all the time

    Although I might have gotten the wrong values this time but I permanently changed values yesterday just fine and I just hacked the coins and the shop 


    its quite easy just no one posts how to do it online

    7 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Are you sure that works? Have you tried buying something when the keys where on zero and the purchase actually going through?

    Edit: the keys dont work on zero but when I change them they will go to that number and go down when buying stuff like normal


    Here is a video of the coin and shop hack



  13. 12 hours ago, nok1a said:

    I find it quite the feet that you cheat a game like farm ville. 

    Thanks and as requested here is the video (I set the keys too high so after I stopped the video they disappeared but normally they will stay)

    I will also sometimes use ; and put in the coins to speed it up (I think thats a group search)

    Video was too big so here is the link to the Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/812838033


    I also just tried to do a pointer search with a offset of 0 couldn’t find anything but I might be doing that wrong

  14. 7 minutes ago, nok1a said:

    Perhaps. Which game is it? Provide link. And a video where you demonstrate the hack.

    Not really

    here is the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zynga.FarmVille2CountryEscape

    and I can provide a video later I need to figure out how to record lol, its a pretty simple hack tho its just a normal d word search where I change the value untell im left with little values (in this case im left with 3)


    thanks for you help so far!

  15. 1 minute ago, nok1a said:

    The pointers i refer to are pointers that point to some block of data. If the keys you have are in Ca/A in lots of cases that block of data gets referenced by a executable through pointers. By following the pointers you can make a script with offsets and pointer searches. 

    But you can also make a group search.

    that sounds like it might work but when I search and change values I have to change 3 values to get keys can that still work?


    Also how could a group search help?


    The game doesn’t have much security if that matters

  16. 5 hours ago, nok1a said:

    You could try pointer searching.


    I’m not the best at game guardian just yet so I don’t really know what that is could you tell me a bit about it like how it would help



  17. Hi so I am hacking a game and I like to get lots of keys but I like to go back in and get more later so I try to save the values so I can change them later but as you probably already guessed when I relaunch the game then the address for the key value changes


    So is there anyway I can save the addresses of the keys for later or something similar?


    Thanks In Advance

  18. 1 hour ago, ENDUP said:

    Hello my friend, You just have to put a filter 100 And change it eight times, if you find it in the eight times, put a filter 50.. 25..10..5 Until you find the value.

    thank you I’ll try this

  19. 11 minutes ago, NoFear said:

    Can also use increment edit. So 500 results, increment edit, check value, of the 500 you'll know which.

    Thanks I’ll try that

  20. Hi so I was wondering how I could find a value that I can’t change so i’m trying to change the price of a item in a shop that costs lets say 50 coins when I go in GG I put in 50 and search then I have lets say 800 search results how can I narrow this down to find the one for the price when I can’t change the price? thanks in advance

  21. 23 minutes ago, NoFear said:

    I don't know exactly what's possible.

    But whenever you find a game gives sync errors, trial and error to see how exact the server is checking.  


    Change price from 500 to 499 or 501...  If neither work, then might be something little more complicated and can't just make it 0.

    Basically, just make very subtle changes and see what gets accepted. Then keep increasing until you find the threshold of what the server will give error.

    Like with coins earned in level. Level 1, server might know, can't exceed 250 or something. Maybe at level 50, 1000 becomes the new threshold.

    ok thanks for you help so far but do you know how I could try to change the price of a item because the value doesn’t change so how would I find that value i’m usually left with hundreds of values?

    also how would I find the value for the levels reward because the value to search for doesn’t change so i’m left with say 500 values how do I know what to change?

  22. 55 minutes ago, NoFear said:

    Coins earned in level can be modified. Not sure if the amount you can do is related to the level. Early levels, seemed like 250-300 coins were fine.

    Armv8 offset 1B1A278

    Mov W8, #275

    Something to that effect. Higher levels could try higher value until server gives error.

    I think i’ll give that a try but how can I find the value for the amount earned usually what I do is put the value in GG then I change the value and put that in GG but how would I change the value for the level?

    also I don’t know if this would work because I don’t know if its possible but can I change the cost if a item or something?

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