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Everything posted by Gifnam

  1. Script terminato: Total Results 2 Selected results { -- table(14a20a7a) [1] = { -- table(3c8bd22b) ['address'] = 0x78bcc19130, ['flags'] = 32, -- gg.TYPE_QWORD ['value'] = 520585653224, }, [2] = { -- table(19d3c688) ['address'] = 0x793476b810, ['flags'] = 32, -- gg.TYPE_QWORD ['value'] = 520585653224, }, } equal to meta { -- table(1ad92821) [1] = { -- table(3365446) ['address'] = 0x78bcc19120, ['flags'] = 32, -- gg.TYPE_QWORD ['value'] = 0, }, [2] = { -- table(1ff36607) ['address'] = 0x793476b800, ['flags'] = 32, -- gg.TYPE_QWORD ['value'] = -5476376622414250352, }, } table b { -- table(3422c334) } errore di script: luaj.o: /storage/sdcard/PhoneSDCard/Android/obb/com.gameinsight.gobandroid/1127221451_com.gameinsight.gobandroid(8).lua:203
  2. This is the result
  3. Hi! The script is giving me an error.
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