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  1. you need to change the amount of turbine pressure you get after maxing it out(float)
  2. its unlocked for lvl 65 thats why
  3. Make script remove more searches
  4. Script was updated
  5. View File PG3D Level editor Script that edit levels, unlock all level guns in the armory and probably allows to upgrade weapons past your normal level, and also get in matches with lvl65 players Script wont be updated Submitter jest555000 Submitted 12/11/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Script that edit levels, unlock all level guns in the armory and probably allows to upgrade weapons past your normal level, and also get in matches with lvl65 players Script wont be updated
  7. that means ur probably on 32 bit device it works fine for me
  8. It got patched?if yes then thanks god i didnt update yet
  9. intresting script
  10. you cant, 300 is a maximum value to not get banned, yep devs are greedy asses
  11. here is a modified version of the script, it removes more results and works all weapon unlocker_1.1.2.lua
    The script works but more results should be removed for the script to work
  12. For it to work you need to manually modify the script by increasing the number of removed values
  13. Also you can contact me on discord if you need help with ids bc i see some ids are missing Jest#0533
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