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Posts posted by Jem7

  1. On 7/16/2022 at 1:30 AM, doio said:

    Yes, you are definitely right!

    The ticket value being shown is indeed Tickets Earned - Tickets Spent.

    I managed to change the values, thanks to you!

    So based on your idea, I did a search on my initially gifted 50 tickets and since I only had 14 tickets left, I searched for 50-14=36 and did an ordered group search: 50;36::

    Then I spent 5 tickets to see which values were changed.

    Fortunate enough only two values were changed and I went to the address and changed the last group and voilà!

    The Tickets are in Other memory range, Qword.



    You need 2375 tickets to buy them all.


    But what if I don't know how many tickets I've earned? Is there any other way to find the value?

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