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  1. Backups... 1. Keeping copy of the data file in the root section... 2. Backup apps like virtual backup, titanium backup... Got banned over 5 times... just reverted back to an old save... Plus saves can be migrated to other accounts...
  2. Yeah... I was pointing it out that since you can't trade in forbidden items it's all legit... they set in the forbidden list to stop the malicious trades like raven's cage...if you could somehow trade in forbidden items they would keep an eye on you... You can do this in a s*** ton of games... From fallout 76... to escape from tarkov... a lot of people have farmer/smurf accounts with different perks... also some pay others to play the game and grind for them... So...it would be not far to assume it is legit unless they prove you are doing something malicious and the two accounts belong to you... I haven't yet seen a ban on smurfing... So...I am hoping luck is on your side... and gamedevs are not ***** about this...
  3. Id: hunter_chain String length:12 String divisions: hunt er_c hain (every 4 letters) Pointer= string length ; reverse (of hunt) str to dec ( so string to decimal of tnuh ) ; reverse (er_c) str to dec ; interval Pointer for hunter's chain = 12;1953396072;1667199589;1852399976:20 Str to dec can retrieved manually..or online... thro string to hex to dec conversion.. i used to use hexed.it (thanks to revelationes) Alt method (by die440): Type in gg search bar :hunter_chain click hex then hex+U8 Result Q 'hunter_chain' Add string length and interval Pointer= 12D;Q 'hunter_chain':20 What about the forbidden items?
  4. Sorry guys... the fox is just an item... it can be dropped and picked up... no option to use... Also the souls are items...not currency... This is my test account on an old phone and newer gmail account... I am really sorry... this pic was just to show my lvl and exp drop after intentional death... The id i used to get this is from assets/image/ally_icons/polar_fox
  5. I was intrigued as well... I was able to do it... but i am still at fence with it...
  6. I just used the method die440 uses... And for the ids... The ids are the letters without the .png extension... And the link to the method: Day R Survival (#2o6of4c0) Btw...not all ids worked for me.. For example gift_instrument...
  7. Been tinkering here and there in an old phone and a spare account... the possibilities are insane... from old quest items to items that are no longer available... Cellar (id:basement) looks hella cooler than dugout... imma wait out the next update... if they still stay imma add em to my main account...
  8. Day R Survival (#8tip885f)
  9. Use the hexed.it or if too tedious the brilliant excel sheet made by revelationes... You can find the string codes... just add the string length before them from their ids... Here id: ball_terem So length is 10 (counting every characters)... Also as pointed by die44 you can get all the ids even those not implemented fully in the game by downloading the game apk and renaming/changing extension to .zip and extracting them... in there you will find the images of the item named in their ids... I hope this helps... I can't give enough props to these guys...
  10. I am really sorry bro... i tried via revelationes' method... first by hand then by hexed.it .. You may approach jeromegg... I am also having the same issue with some other items... the pointer received ...failed to work in those cases... Sorry again...
  11. Check your inbox..brother.. Let me know if it helps...
  12. String: 10;1919508838;1969512313:25 id: fairy_dust
  13. So...I had goofed up the first time on fairy dust...but I found my mistake and finally.. I got the fairy dust... Thanks again man... you just made my Halloween...!!
  14. Bro...thanks...thanks a lot...i am a little slow but i finally understood what you did up there... so id is the main thing... the string length;str to dec (4 letters cuz dword); str to dec... So i tried fairy_dust through reverse engineering your process i found that the string to decimal is not in order but in the reverse.. like for emer it was reme... so i used an online str to hex tool..n then turned hex to dec... So fairy_dust was a bust... but i tried on demon_mask.. it worked...!! I need to find the id now... i think i will experiment on it a lil further... Again thanks a whole bunch...
  15. Do you know the pointer for fairy dust perchance? Help would be much appreciated...
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