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Everything posted by rahaaatul

  1. Do you have it for the new version?
  2. I don't have root (tried). So I was trying to open the game in BlueStacks, but BlueStacks failed. Tried to open in nox, nox opened it but the modded features were gone and it was filled with ads. I tried vxposed, parallel space, vmos, etc. No virtual space can open it. Why is that? I'm trying to open the modded bitlife game and mod the stats with GG: https://5play.org/en/8810-bitlife-life-simulator.html Pleas someone help me with this, I'm out of ideas.
  3. My god! that's very advanced. Most of them went over me head.
  4. Yeah, but if you freeze that value you can play in one go, until you need to do that again.
  5. I apologize, I just saw it. Thank you for replying.
  6. Can you hack on this APK, it's a modded APK but I modified its ad permissions via lucky patcher, it has gold and gems and win battles. But not 100% choice success rate and maximum stats. I need that instead of gold now. Do you think you can help me with this? Thank you. @CYBORG-WARRIOR
  7. @CYBORG-WARRIORI used your Lua script and some of the things in the script isn't working, the gold shows I have abundance but I can't buy anything. Always Win not working. Level up not working. Gems working.
  8. Sorry if I'm bothering you, but what's the difference between this and the original one?
  9. Yeah, not working. Can you show me how to hack them?
  10. Yeah, the game was update , probably 2 days ago. I'll let you know if it works or not.
  11. There's a new update for this game, do you think the datas are changed?
  12. I'm sorry I'm replying late, ai didn't get any notification through email so... I appreciate everyone's help. @CYBORG-WARRIOR and @sammax71how did you get max stats and always win success chance, I definitely need that, that's better than having golds. Although I downloaded a modded APK where you get gold and still it's ineffective, I learnt you need better stats to win this game. Thanks everyone, and also where is the script everyone's talking about, I don't see it.
  13. I can't seem to hack the gold in Life in Adventure. I know the exact value of the gold, I search it, I refine it and the value isn't there anymore. Tried with encrypted value, that didn't help either. So I seek your help, please, help me. Environment: VMOS Android 7.1 (Rooted)
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