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Posts posted by KUMADEIT

  1. On 1/5/2024 at 7:10 PM, tidus said:

    Is there smt wrong? I tried heli pad but nothing change



    Script may not work on all devices maybe try on another device if the script is loading but is not working as far as use of function 

  2. On 1/19/2024 at 12:54 AM, c4ph4lor said:

    so... having unlocked the delivery bots makes this... difficult 🙂

    I think I will try the new version with a new game

    EDIT: it's the delivery drones... started a new game, worked flawless on first try 🙂

    thank you, KUMADEIT!

    Any chance that you extend the script for the other resources, if I may ask?

    and again: a big thank you!!

    Sure I’ll check it out  bro 💪🏾

  3. 3 hours ago, MonkeySAN said:

    honestly bro,

    your script is pain in a55 to open.

    20+ tries but still cant open it.


    i dont know if it just me or else.

    other script with encryption dont even come close as hard as yours to open it.

    Updated shouldnt  be a problem anymore , thanks for pointing that out , RIP all scripts i use this encryption with .....

  4. On 11/12/2023 at 9:19 PM, kiynox said:

    [ @Koolie ]
    You just need to save the earlier results into memory:

    function increments(memo)
    	memo_temp = {}
    	second_memo = gg.getValues(memo)
    	for k, v in ipairs(second_memo) do
    		memo_temp[k] = { ['address'] = v.address, ['flags'] = v.flags, ['value'] = tonumber(v.value) + 1 }
    gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    memo = gg.getResults( gg.getResultsCount() )
    --First Increment
    --Second Increment

    *Fixed. I forgot something

    Issue im finding is it increments all values and makes all them the same , its not +1 to each value listed , its +2 to each value therefor making them all the same 

  5. [ Almost a Hero — Idle RPG ] X64


    Almost a Hero — Idle RPG


    ⭕ [ COIN HACK ]",


    " ⭕ [ FREE HERO UPGRADES ]",

    "⭕ [ HERO ATTACK DMG ]",

    "⭕ [ HERO HEALTH ]",

    "⭕ [ NO SKILL COOLDOWN ]",

    "⭕ [ WAVE SKIP ]",

    "⭕ [ ALWAYS CHEST ] ",

    "⭕ [ SKIN HACK ]",

    "⭕ [ HERO EVOLVE LVL ]",

    "⭕ [ ATTACK SPEED ] "





  6. On 1/13/2024 at 12:09 PM, _Atom_ said:

    I want to stop this function from giving any output,just to make it useless in short.

    Class name:

    Namespace: CodeStage.AntiCheat.Detectors
    public abstract class ActDetectorBase : MonoBehaviour /

    Method name:
        // RVA: 0x134FD84 Offset: 0x134FD84 VA: 0x134FD84 Slot: 8
        internal virtual void OnCheatingDetected() { }.

    How can i stop this thing.

    Bool edit to false 

  7. On 11/8/2023 at 10:03 AM, lucky_you said:

    As the title says, how to create a script for beginners. Thank you

    Start by using game guardian record script feature , that should help you start to learn the basics of scripting 

  8. On 1/12/2024 at 9:54 AM, c4ph4lor said:


    Thanks for your work.

    How does your script work exactly? I have activated the hack with the checkbox, but nothing happens...


    thank you!!


    On 1/13/2024 at 7:19 AM, MonkeySAN said:

    any special requirement to run the script?

    it doesnt work for me too.

    Have atleast 2 meat in storage before use 

  9. 2 hours ago, OREW said:

    Thx for replying ✨


    I think they are addresses for the characters within the game, specifically, each title indicates the level of the particular character.. They are all titles from someone who was scripts maker for the game that he shared before he retired from it.. my problem is idk what to do with them like how to search using them... non of the su answered yet 🐧💔

    its fairly simple , Open GG , search for the one you want like this " 3D;268,435,459D;1D:25 " im not sure which type so just try all maybe DWORD , Then wait for results 

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