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kvodang04 last won the day on February 21

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  1. v3.10.60 updated: Komachi (AS) - Sakuya-bime Sakuya-bime Starchart: job_rank_item.zodiac_sakuyabime Sakuya-bime Treatise: job_rank_item.sakuyabime Isuka (SA) - Admiral Stellar Awakened Admiral Starchart: job_rank_item.zodiac_admiral Admiral Tome: job_rank_item.admiral
  2. v3.10.50 updated: Yukino Alter (AC) - Hoarfrost Songstress Ame-no-Uzume Starchart: job_rank_item.zodiac_amenouzume Ame-no-Uzume Opus: job_rank_item.amenouzume
  3. I know how to give you any items like starchart/treatises/codex/opus...; light/shadow points...; red/green/white keys, cat tickets... If you want you can contact me on my discord: Cane#2850 or my friend: Lumine#7667. Thanks for read. Peace out~
  4. After seeing a few individuals profiting from fraud on other forums. I decided to hide all videos to avoid 'some people' watching the videos and then taking advantage of it for themselves. You can request me cheats for the items you need through my discord. Of course there may or may not be a fee depending on your requirements. Peace out~
  5. Hm... in theory, it could be fixed. But rn I've not found ID of any quest items yet. I will tell u when I find it.
  6. There is the video as I mentioned. Hope it useful. Peace out~
  7. I figured out almost ID of all items in the memoir section. It took me more than 2 days without sleeping so I decided to share it privately. If you need you can contact my discord. Now I'm going to sleep to regain my stamina. After waking up, I'll make a video how to cheat cat tickets and post it here.
  8. In processing... I will post the spreadsheet when I figure out ID of all items in Memoirs folder. The spreadsheet includes the item's name, ID, and a video showing how to find it in as much detail as possible. Peace out.
  9. For LDplayer9: NOTE: Don't unfreeze the values unless the game got crashed
  10. hm... are u sure that's id of item ?
  11. hm... anyone know how to exploit the light/dark point ?
  12. I have just listed the ID of Items ingame from 101 to 723 in this .txt file, I hope it will be useful for you! ID Items In Bag Eternal Senia.txt
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