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  1. Hey guys, I was playing the game Pocket Zone but my profile got blocked from the online features of the game. I made a new profile but there was one special item not obtainable anymore and I had it on my old save. Since all values (as far as I know and tested - currency, time, points, etc.) can be modified, there should be no problem to replace/modify items as well, right? I just have no idea how to do it. I want to replace one artefact with another one. There was something similar in the Last Day On Earth game in the past as I remember. If you can help me I'll appreciate your effort. Maybe if it's allowed, I can tip as well. If somehow the value/address for the said item can be found and another one can be replaced with it it should work or? I'm just throwing guesses... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FlutterBeamStd.PocketZone
  2. Not sure about skins anymore... I had all skins unlocked somehow for bike via opening hacked lootboxes from my inbox, also used mod to spawn specific items a long time ago if remember right to unlock backpacks skins and other skins (not sure if still works and is available somehow) Stopped playing the game because is s*** in terms of hacking now... Developers made an update at some point and "fixed all accounts" so all my stored energy drinks went to the inbox from chests (got 50 only while had 500-600 in chests before) and my coins balance went from 800600 to 5000 only and it wasn't able to modify it again after this update. If crates inbox hack still works or changing item in inbox from wood to bike paint item for example via GG you might be able to get some paints
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