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  1. Did anyone manage to do anything, theres been a lot of reworks and some new additions like corrhpted prisoners and acolytes
  2. Tried searching for encrypted value in every memory range and every value type but it didnt give any results for gold, maybe it could for other values but its kinda hard to figure out how genesis stones and hero souls are calculated
  3. Anyone made any progress? I tried going with unknown values and increased decreased method but gg crashes since theres way too many adresses
  4. Its completely different games? Im talking about this dungeon squad lmao https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.GameCoaster.DungeonSquad&hl=en_US&gl=US&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Ddungeon+squad&pcampaignid=APPU_1_IK1CY6CGCLKP9u8P_fGCYA dunno if the misunderstanding arose from the name or what
  5. Doesnt seem to work, and ye im on 64 bytes, tried both summoning gems and gold while in mission
  6. https://m.playmods.net/game/Dungeon-Squad-mod/com.GameCoaster.DungeonSquad Got the game from there, seemed mostly legit Right now im trying to cheat for resources like the gems for summoning and such Dunno if its gona help, old thread from this site for these guys previous game, tried the 444444 method and it didnt seem to work and i cant seem to get apk editor to open it to look at ids and s*** Cant hack Dungeon Maker (#b1i7kou1)
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