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Count_Nosferatu last won the day on November 11 2024

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  1. Count_Nosferatu


    Before GG crash, when you see 50%~, how many results does search find? If several million, then everything is correct, there may not be enough memory. Change the numbers in search. For example, try group search.
  2. Are you familiar with checksum verification method? This checksum can be written in file itself. There can be several of them in file, to control different areas. One for game currency, one for items, one for character stats. And so on. Without knowing file (.hl) structure, your actions are meaningless.
  3. Count_Nosferatu

    Wrong Value Help

    Have you tried using a floating point number converter? For example, this one: https://www.h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html
  4. Hi, The script, you provided contains several points. In first piece of code, script searches for number "4321" three times in a row. As a result, after tc = gg.getListItems(), you will have only one number, with one address, because all three times only one number will be found and filtered out. If you want to find number "4321" located in memory three times, search string would be: gg.searchNumber("4321", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 3) Read description of this command on website: https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#a14685d871e664a2f8ea74dc3293e428e Why do you even use command gg.addListItems() & gg.getListItems() ? In scripts it is needed only if you want to "freeze" some number. Just create a table and process it. In your script, definition "local t=" is used six times. Correct programming style is to make definitions at beginning, and indicating type of variable. In your case: local t = {} local tc = {} Local tb = {} And so on. And remove all words "local" from body of script. Honestly, from your description and example code, I still don’t understand what you want to do. Good luck!
  5. Have you tried this? gg.searchNumber("217575~217584", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, g.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) Such numbers can be easily converted into the format as in your screenshot. a = 217575 a = (a + 0.1) / 1000 print(string.format("%.2f",a) ..'K') a = 217584 a = (a + 0.1) / 1000 print(string.format("%.2f",a) ..'K') --Script ended: --217.58K --217.58K If such numbers are not found, then they simply do not exist in memory. They can be encrypted, and are decrypted only for display on screen. If game is online, there are even more options.
  6. Actually, you see a shortened output, only for display on screen. The full number can be from 217575 to 217584. It's just in the Dword range.
  7. Count_Nosferatu


    And there was no intention to offend or humiliate anyone. Sorry Bro. I just wanted to show that game does not crash when searching in any region.
  8. You missed one character " gg.editAll(";987654321098",2)
  9. Did you try type Qword (8 byte)? or Word and Dword (6 byte)?
  10. Sometimes answers "chat GPT" - resemble delirium of a drug addict. For example: gg.searchNumber(";192762458137", gg.TYPE_UNICODE)
  11. This is not possible now. It’s easier to add a check to script, like this: ... gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) -- default for x32 if gg.getTargetInfo().x64 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_OTHER) end ...
  12. Count_Nosferatu


    Is this a necessary game? Everything is searched without crash. bandicam 2024-11-10 16-50-24-455.avi
  13. Count_Nosferatu


    If you are just searching, program should usually not crash. If you change something in searching results, then it means you change something that cannot be changed.
  14. Depending on processor architecture and Android version, GG itself determines in which region program (game) code is located. For Android 11+ version, and the x64 architecture, in most cases it determines "Other"
  15. Old joke: To ask a question correctly, need to know at least half of answer.
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