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  1. I did yesterday here but i got fail many times. so I re-make from a new survival. Here you are : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=12G3cwb06C-mSyd0lxM-IFsFmSWYyf5Sr these link contain : 0. How to get XOR KEY 1. Slot 8 as Key Address, Edit Stack size, Tool Grade Changes 2. What is Transform 3. Transform Iron Ore
  2. View File MiniWorld:BlockArt Game = MiniWorld:BlockArt Game Version = 0.51.0 GG_Version = 101 Features : Main Menu : Finding Key Address / Item Modification (If Key Address defined) Help Setting Item Mod : Select Item from 1 to 8 -> Select Type -> Tools, Equip, Stack, or Transform Stack (Requires XOR Key): Change Stack Size. 1~64. Freeze feature not work yet. Tools / Equips Mod: Grade Change Durability Enchants Grade Change: You can change your item grade : e.g. From Wood Axe -> Stone Axe (+1) -> Iron Axe (+2) -> Golden Axe (+3) -> Diamond Axe (+4) You cannot change weapon type to diamond. something like diamond are in different pointer. so max grade is gold sword (+3) You can revert changes your grade in Transformation. Sometime some tools or equips not work, becoming lava. or unknown . To Revert : if your grade now is +4, then Select Your Item Number of Your Equip/Tool, Transformation, -4, See What happen to your item, Commit while done. Durability: Change your items durability. 1~10.000 you can change max durability in Setting Enchant: You can Enchant your Tools, Armors, and Weapons. Select All List to mix them. Transformation: Like sprite changes. it modify DWORD values. but the pointer is really random every game start, so the value. Revert change : Back to original value, original form. Submitter furasesa Submitted 01/30/2021 Category LUA scripts
  3. Version 0.0.2


    Game = MiniWorld:BlockArt Game Version = 0.51.0 GG_Version = 101 Features : Main Menu : Finding Key Address / Item Modification (If Key Address defined) Help Setting Item Mod : Select Item from 1 to 8 -> Select Type -> Tools, Equip, Stack, or Transform Stack (Requires XOR Key): Change Stack Size. 1~64. Freeze feature not work yet. Tools / Equips Mod: Grade Change Durability Enchants Grade Change: You can change your item grade : e.g. From Wood Axe -> Stone Axe (+1) -> Iron Axe (+2) -> Golden Axe (+3) -> Diamond Axe (+4) You cannot change weapon type to diamond. something like diamond are in different pointer. so max grade is gold sword (+3) You can revert changes your grade in Transformation. Sometime some tools or equips not work, becoming lava. or unknown . To Revert : if your grade now is +4, then Select Your Item Number of Your Equip/Tool, Transformation, -4, See What happen to your item, Commit while done. Durability: Change your items durability. 1~10.000 you can change max durability in Setting Enchant: You can Enchant your Tools, Armors, and Weapons. Select All List to mix them. Transformation: Like sprite changes. it modify DWORD values. but the pointer is really random every game start, so the value. Revert change : Back to original value, original form.
  4. View File Shadow of Death Skill Only Shadow of Death Skill Only Cheat gg_version = 101 apk_version = Why Skill Only? Any Crystal and Soul Modification are banned in arena (PVP). If you know how to do with game guardian, there are many ways to get Crystals and Souls. try to find any with XOR key = 444444. but this script is not provided to hacks Crystal and Soul. Please use it for adventure, tower and raid. PVP are not tested (may be banned) Turn off / reset skill to native while playing PVP. guide: 1. select character. Wait until all 8 skills loaded. It may take a minute 2. select skill cooldown or skill damage manipulating cooldown Note: Quinn: Because same cooldown time, so Death Spike's Address are in Phobos Strike. Choosing Death Spike Only will not work 3. Touch to outside area to hide 4. For Skill Damage, select damage multiplier first then pick any skill Skill Damage Note: '1' is native skill damage by default, skill damage multipliers are from 1-100 to edit the limit of max damage, find max_dmg_choices 5. Revert All Changes are not work. I was too lazy to fix that. to Revert Changes: Select Skill Cooldown. leave unchecked, OK Select Skill Damage. Select whatever, leave unchecked, OK 6. Since Game APK version are same, normaly 1-3 of address are saved, except for max see: Max Saved Address to table 7. Restart the game if not work. if not try to edit this: local skill_start_sc = 0 local skill_end_sc = -1 Thks Submitter furasesa Submitted 01/21/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  5. Version 0.0.9


    Shadow of Death Skill Only Cheat gg_version = 101 apk_version = Why Skill Only? Any Crystal and Soul Modification are banned in arena (PVP). If you know how to do with game guardian, there are many ways to get Crystals and Souls. try to find any with XOR key = 444444. but this script is not provided to hacks Crystal and Soul. Please use it for adventure, tower and raid. PVP are not tested (may be banned) Turn off / reset skill to native while playing PVP. guide: 1. select character. Wait until all 8 skills loaded. It may take a minute 2. select skill cooldown or skill damage manipulating cooldown Note: Quinn: Because same cooldown time, so Death Spike's Address are in Phobos Strike. Choosing Death Spike Only will not work 3. Touch to outside area to hide 4. For Skill Damage, select damage multiplier first then pick any skill Skill Damage Note: '1' is native skill damage by default, skill damage multipliers are from 1-100 to edit the limit of max damage, find max_dmg_choices 5. Revert All Changes are not work. I was too lazy to fix that. to Revert Changes: Select Skill Cooldown. leave unchecked, OK Select Skill Damage. Select whatever, leave unchecked, OK 6. Since Game APK version are same, normaly 1-3 of address are saved, except for max see: Max Saved Address to table 7. Restart the game if not work. if not try to edit this: local skill_start_sc = 0 local skill_end_sc = -1 Thks
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