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  1. any idea how to get shards?
  2. it works for me now yayyyy. you cant change the amount of coins, you can only change the amount of gems right? like changing 500 does nothing for me
  3. okay thank you, i still have to do the hidemyapp list right? can i see your magisk version? are you using stable or canary
  4. for some reason my safetynet is not passing the checks does yours pass?
  5. when i run bootloaderspoofer, it keeps saying it got deactivated because i didnt select an app. which app do i select?
  6. anyone else got this error and then somehow fixed it?
  7. i meant like the full list of apps that you made hidden and the list of apps you applied the template to what is the bootloaderspoofer for
  8. im getting this error despite setting everything up the same:( can you send the full list and if there is anything else you did too? like what apps did you apply the list to i tried using an integrity checker and failed everything...
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