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  1. This is good now. Same as before; Ip's - read above. If it fails to change restart gg & slither Slider pop-up menu Layout, alter if needed. (Best Horizontal 16:9) Small snake, make small changes, +–10 or 20. (Middle slyder.) Larger snake, use bottom "direct set' slyder. CoyFanaticGen2Altered.lua
  2. Fixed code error. Restart game check box; I reset value in var table but forget to send it to gg.setValues. Runnaway zoom now only if you forget to tick 'restart game'. (Just crash the invisible snake and set view to 10 to fix) Added extra ip addresses. (Still can only use same char length) Cheers Enjoy CoyFanaticGen2Altered.lua
  3. Vast improvement. Fixed up some bodgey code. Changed second slider to track actual view value. Hints. Gg. Settings menu. Hide on screen keyboard to make slider pop up layout properly, or change the layout in code to match your screen ratio. When your small, go easy on the increment you change or you get runnaway zoom. Wait two seconds after finishing a game, resetting zoom, before you start a new game. If you get blank hexagons, set view to 10 crash and start again. Set your own IP's in code. The ip's you choose must be same character length.. Cheers CoyFanaticGen2Altered.lua
  4. Would love some help to work out how slither app deals with port numbers or memory search to find port #, sometimes two different arenas on same ip but different port #
  5. Problems; Runnaway zoom out. Must start new game with non negative values, ie i like 0 or 36. Restart game check box set 36val to 0. Default puts 36 to original and 64 flag to dword and 1.2 billion value back from 9. Ip search, in this version you have to hard set your own servers in the code. Ips must be same character length as search last played ip result. Last used ip search val must be in index 1 in ip table. I am working on a fix. Are you getting slither app crashes running gg on top.... when the google video add crosses the game crashes. Sometimes. Depends on add. I use norootfirewall to stop everything except slither coming out of my parralel space sand box. Ie no add requests. I also block gg but shhhhh. Make sure you white list your fav slither servers. Thoughts. Need to find the, your length score val, and use an equasion to link 36val and snake length via score to stop the runnaway scroll or the scroll in while eating when small. The 9 value accentuates the view dependent on size but not linearly.
  6. hello. You r legend. I hope you dont mind i had a play with your hard found values. https://youtu.be/rUDNTR_c4wg This is my other project. Take it; roast it; do with it what you will. But let me know if you like. CoyFanaticGen2Altered.lua CoyFanaticGen2Altered.lua
  7. hello. You r legend. I hope you dont mind i had a play with your hard found values. https://youtu.be/rUDNTR_c4wg This is my other project. Take it; roast it; do with it what you will. But let me know if you like.
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