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Posts posted by Hthacks

  1. iKmGzU9iwtU


    U can see players doing Goals hack in Ranked matched , 


    Idk it's possible with gg in ranked , i think gg can only work with cpu and GPU battles . Some Brazilians selling Script On telegram 😐


  2. I've tried on many currencies, 

    I changed values , but money is not usable, 

    I changed outfits and pokemon tickets values like Aeos Gems,  Coins , tIckets   , but now buyable only visible to me, i edited to 0 or sometimes -8000  , when im trying to buy the outfit , it showing some error code.

    In rank matches , goals isnt working only working in cpu battles , training.

    Pokemon Attack Damage Is changeable , i can understanding values , i changed my attack , it's only increased 17 , because all values are changing linke multiplying with each other.

    Season Point is editable




  3. On 9/24/2021 at 1:36 AM, sammax71 said:

    I did that but it was still crashing 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Crash like what ? 

    Hide Game Guardian From Game , 

    Enable root in game gaurdian

    L 4 

    Use level 3hide GG 4 options, open game fron virtual space and game guardian on phone (i have root bypass work ), try use module of LS xpose + hide my app list, open game gurdian forn virtual space.


  4. On 10/12/2021 at 6:47 PM, Ezawa said:

    what you can edit

    amount of chickens:total amount and amount of each habs are splited and can be edited Individually, data saved as Q:Qword in Other. too big number will crash the game and block you from restarting it 40,835,049,824 is the number that will max out your shipping rate with full level ups and max artifact with stones

    amount of soul eggs: can only be shown up to 38 digits in game so if you edit it to over 1.0e38 you will need 3rd party tools to check the recent amount to re-edit it, saved as E:Double in Other.

    amount of  golden eggs: total amount is saved as lifetime earned - lifetime spent, these two values saved as Q:Qword in Other.

    amount of cash and GE in gifts: saved as E:Double in Anonymous.

    amount of artifacts etc.: saved as E:Double in Anonymous.

    total amount been crafted of each artifacts etc.: the price of crafting each artifact keeps going down until the artifact been crafted by 300 times, saved as D:Dword in Anonymous.

    amount of each boost: can be edit to the number as big as you want but will be changed back to 15k after restart game, saved as D:Dword in Other.

    amount of drone takedowns (elite) and prestiges in stats: saved as D:Dword in Other.

    amount of eggs saved in fuel tank: saved as E:Double in Other with non-integer value, use range search to find it

    rarity of artifacts and amount of PE can be edit locally but will be checked online, won't cause ban but will change back if you restart game

    I won't be able to find and hack soul eggs value , pls help me 

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