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Posts posted by GuardianMilky

  1. 3 hours ago, 301263_1434558338 said:


    U can buy in shop. The first shop seems always sell it. U buy some item and it will refresh that item's slot with something new. The first shop sells magic books, potions, foods... With some patients u will find 2 needed potions for ur hacking

    Another char


    Then I must be so unlucky, I always get the one that sells either the freakin metal or the weapons/armor and accessory. But i'll try once more, since I unlocked the last character today might as well try my luck this time.


    Ohh right, If you can upload a video of how you do it please do, I can't seem to get my head around it so it might help me and the others.

  2. 7 minutes ago, 301263_1434558338 said:

    But this way needs a lot of mana moute -> need to hack item quantity -> why don't we hack stat potion? With 70+ strength a stone dagger can do over 1mil damage

    I'm not that lucky with stat potions. And also I can recommend it if you have lightning rod, that thing can give you tons of mana moute with unrand on. Just roam around near it and collect every 3-5 turns.

    We can say that it's an alternative for those like me who can't get stat points in unrand HAHAHA...

    Lest I find a way to accurately get stat potion drops from mobs then I'll grind for that HAHAHA...

  3. I also found out that turning on unrand while transfering item stats is a guaranteed success. I have a tip for you to enhance your weapon as much as you want, Crest of transendance is not needed in doing this since we are transferring item stats. All you need is a lot of stick for crafting a lot of staff(which only needs 1 stick) and make sure that unrand is turn on while crafting them. But first thing to do is to check wether you are getting a blessed item rather than cursed, we can do that by crafting either of these items: stone axe, stone pickaxe, stone knife. Once all of that is done, you can then head to your magic EQPT bench to transfer the item stat while leaving the unrand on. I got like +23 accessory and got bored so do whatever you want.


    There proof down below, also the once for golden remains(though I already opened the blue ones and a couple of gold ones XD)

    Screenshot_20200716-163818_Parallel Space.jpg

    Screenshot_20200716-163846_Parallel Space.jpg

    Screenshot_20200716-163809_Parallel Space.jpg

    Screenshot_20200716-163812_Parallel Space.jpg

    Screenshot_20200716-163757_Parallel Space.jpg

    Screenshot_20200716-162611_Parallel Space.jpg

  4. 7 hours ago, nginx said:

    Just found out that turning on unrandomizer after death also useful in getting golden remains. 

    Yeah but it has a condition, you must have atleast complete the first night. I tested it a lot and got a lot of duds when I don't complete the first night. That's why you should roam around the map if you have created a new character. Then when it's sunset, you can then suicide sleep so that way you can complete the first night while dying at the same time.


    And also, there's a chance that it wont be a golden remain but a blue one where 6 keys are needed to open one.

  5. On 7/12/2020 at 6:42 PM, 301263_1434558338 said:

    But now we can change the drop value so I think the Unrand method is no need anymore

    That would be amazing if its true... Mind sharing how you do it??

  6. Quote
    7 hours ago, 301263_1434558338 said:

    Plus: the Unrand value is not work. It just fixes the outcomes. What u will get each time u restart the game depends on ur LUCK 🙂

    i got strength potion 1 time and made the str over 100 but this char died when I have no revive option 😞

    now I have a char with over 1500hp (stamina 97) and a dagger +43 (damage 75~600)


    How did you do that? Just start the randomizer and that's it? Cause I tried it as well but I ain't getting anything. I guess I did something wrong somewhere. Gotta go back and experiment as well.

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