Here's what I found out. Unrandomizer locks your luck to maximum and we all know that luck affects almost everything in the game. (i.e lightning strikes every turn in the same spot because lightning is based on luck)
This is what I do. I make new game character and when the cutscene appears, I'll start the unrandomizer (to avoid game stuck). since your luck is at maximum, the map will be abundant of loots and if you see a weapon in the ground, that means the same weapon will drop when you pickup a grass. if not, try to pickup a grass just in case you get a weapon or anything useful.
If you didn't get useful weapon or equipment while picking a grass, close the game entirely and open it again. open your new character and start the unrandomizer. try to pickup a grass again just in case you get a rare drop. Repeat the process until you get a rare drop. In my case, I got a really rare black sword thingy in my third attempt. Now that you have what you want, return to your main character (the one you what to get stronger) and try to pick up a grass and you'll get the same item. It'll be awesome if you get an item that enhances your stats or adds weapon magic because you can spam this method just like the guy above who got strength potion. Picking grass may inflict bleeding and rabies so keep your meds ready. You can also do this method to monsters but I think grass is easier.