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  1. View File Menu for gg lua script HOME = 1 function HOME() menu = gg.choice({ "MENU 2", },nil,'=============\nMENU 1 MAIN\n=============') if menu == 1 then MENU2() end HOMEDM = -1 end function MENU2() menu2 = gg.choice({ "BACK", },nil,'========\nMENU 2\n========') if menu2 == 1 then HOME() end end while true do if gg.isVisible(false) then HOMEDM = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if HOMEDM == 1 then HOME() end end Submitter SHELL_SCRIPT Submitted 05/30/2020 Category Templates  
  2. 1,581 downloads

    HOME = 1 function HOME() menu = gg.choice({ "MENU 2", },nil,'=============\nMENU 1 MAIN\n=============') if menu == 1 then MENU2() end HOMEDM = -1 end function MENU2() menu2 = gg.choice({ "BACK", },nil,'========\nMENU 2\n========') if menu2 == 1 then HOME() end end while true do if gg.isVisible(false) then HOMEDM = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if HOMEDM == 1 then HOME() end end
  3. View File Multi Choice in lua script --MULTI CHOICE BY SHELL_SCRIPT HOME = 1 function HOME() multi = gg.multiChoice({ "CHOICE 1", "CHOICE 2", "CHOICE 3", "CHOICE 4", },nil,'MULTI CHOICE BY SHELL_SCRIPT') if multi == nil then else if multi[1] == true then ch1() end if multi[2] == true then ch2() end if multi[3] == true then ch3() end if multi[4] == true then ch4() end end HOMEDM = -1 end function ch1() gg.alert('CHOICE 1') end function ch2() gg.alert('CHOICE 2') end function ch3() gg.alert('CHOICE 3') end function ch4() gg.alert('CHOICE 4') end while true do if gg.isVisible(false) then HOMEDM = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if HOMEDM == 1 then HOME() end end Submitter SHELL_SCRIPT Submitted 05/26/2020 Category Templates  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    --MULTI CHOICE BY SHELL_SCRIPT HOME = 1 function HOME() multi = gg.multiChoice({ "CHOICE 1", "CHOICE 2", "CHOICE 3", "CHOICE 4", },nil,'MULTI CHOICE BY SHELL_SCRIPT') if multi == nil then else if multi[1] == true then ch1() end if multi[2] == true then ch2() end if multi[3] == true then ch3() end if multi[4] == true then ch4() end end HOMEDM = -1 end function ch1() gg.alert('CHOICE 1') end function ch2() gg.alert('CHOICE 2') end function ch3() gg.alert('CHOICE 3') end function ch4() gg.alert('CHOICE 4') end while true do if gg.isVisible(false) then HOMEDM = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if HOMEDM == 1 then HOME() end end
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