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  1. View File Festive changer for standoff 2 This script is specifically for skins, charms and medals released during the festive season Submitter callmedenver Submitted 01/03/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This script is specifically for skins, charms and medals released during the festive season
  3. View File Glove changer by callmedenver After 5 months of not scripting, it was time to go home This script allows anyone with gameguardian to get expensive glove skins, charms, badges and chibis for free Don't change more than 5 skins/charms/badges at once, that is most likely to get you banned If you're more interested in Gun skins, then you can check my other script out Standoff 2 skin hack by denver (#2b381pw2) How to solve gameguardian/ virtual space detected? If you don't have root use Klim virtual(suggested) or VMOS pro. To hide GG from standoff 2 simply use sudohide. Submitter callmedenver Submitted 10/29/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    After 5 months of not scripting, it was time to go home This script allows anyone with gameguardian to get expensive glove skins, charms, badges and chibis for free Don't change more than 5 skins/charms/badges at once, that is most likely to get you banned If you're more interested in Gun skins, then you can check my other script out Standoff 2 skin hack by denver (#2b381pw2) How to solve gameguardian/ virtual space detected? If you don't have root use Klim virtual(suggested) or VMOS pro. To hide GG from standoff 2 simply use sudohide.
  5. So guys we have to wait for autoskillz to update the modules for the newer versions.
  6. What type of error do you get? Did u enable the modules before playing?
  7. The kittenware won't work since it's an unsupported version. The reason it doesn't work may be that you have the Facebook app installed. If you do uninstall it. Also remember to enable modules before playing
  8. Modules b and c can be found at forum.autoskills.net however if you have problems installing the modules I suggest you to download the preinstalled virtual xposed file that has everything installed on it -->http://www.mediafire.com/file/a1gnk0t8sdhloft/Virualka.apk/file Also you can't login with your Google account, better use Facebook Hope this helps
  9. After seeing that many of the people who tried out my hack at Standoff 2 skin hack by denver (#2b381pw2) didn't know how to bypass the anticheat i made this mini tutorial 1. Have virtual xposed installed 2. Have these modules installed: a. fakeGapps-by microG, creates a fake app signature b. Kit SO2 hider-by autoskillz/ruit, even tho it was made to hide the autoskillz hack it also hides other programs such as game guardian c. Kitten hider-by autoskillz/ruit, Works like the module mentioned above but it hides the virtual space and removes the rpxexception error If it doesn't work let me know
  10. When you restart the game it will be gone.
  11. If you have been detected you can try using virtual xposed modules such as ruit's/autoskillz hider.
  12. View File Standoff 2 skin hack by denver With this script you can get expensive skins for free such as akr treasure hunter, karambit gold,and etc Everyone in match can see the skins you have equipped. this is my first script. If you have anything to say or ways to make the script better please comment if you don't know how to bypass the gameguardian detection check here -----> How to bypass standoff 2 (#ck67uemk) Submitter callmedenver Submitted 05/21/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 1.0.2


    With this script you can get expensive skins for free such as akr treasure hunter, karambit gold,and etc Everyone in match can see the skins you have equipped. this is my first script. If you have anything to say or ways to make the script better please comment if you don't know how to bypass the gameguardian detection check here -----> How to bypass standoff 2 (#ck67uemk)
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