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Everything posted by balathemasz

  1. @RaNd I have enabled all memory ranges and all speed hacks 1 to 21 and speed hack function for all apps , java , system ,and others at last change skip memories to empty Check that you have installed gg for nox or the normal try LD player if it continues
  2. @Semfreefire use speed hack only for team deathmatch and clash squad and the maximum speed must be 9 [added 2 minutes later] @Semfreefire the script is working for me and my friends change your device and try it because after update the game takes a heavy load on phone thats why game and script crashes
  3. @VNGEO That is a secret but I am telling I found the value by using the helmet Get a hit on the head and search the value of the health of the helmet thats it you got the value
  4. Bro flat show the opponent that you use the hack but invisible does not show it
  5. @TheHeadHunter bro you can use both but i prefer mod version
  6. View File FREE FIRE LATEST BY BALATHEMASS UNBAN INCLUDED NOTE:-USE YOUR GUEST ACCOUNT and USE DUAL SPACE to esape from banning your device DUAL SPACE LINK:- play store link :-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludashi.dualspace&hl=en_IN mirror link:- https://apkpure.com/dual-space-multiple-accounts-app-cloner/com.ludashi.dualspace THIS IS A LUA SCRIPT CREATED BY BALATHEMASS (A TAMIL GAMER AND A HACKER) dont worry if you use dual space you wont get banned USE THIS SCRIPT TO WIN EASILY AND YOU CAN USE THE SPEED HACK FOR TEAM DEATHMATCH AND CLASH SQAUD USE THE SPEED HACK BY LONG PRESSING GG ICON USE ONLY SPEED UPTO 9 KINDLY GIVE CREDITS WHEN USING THIS SCRIPT FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND GIVE YOUR OPINION IF YOU FEEL MY WORK IS GOOD FOLLOW ME TWITTER: @balathemass2 INSTAGRAM: @balamazed MY MAIL ID: [email protected] Submitter balathemasz Submitted 05/08/2020 Category Free Fire  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    NOTE:-USE YOUR GUEST ACCOUNT and USE DUAL SPACE to esape from banning your device DUAL SPACE LINK:- play store link :-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludashi.dualspace&hl=en_IN mirror link:- https://apkpure.com/dual-space-multiple-accounts-app-cloner/com.ludashi.dualspace THIS IS A LUA SCRIPT CREATED BY BALATHEMASS (A TAMIL GAMER AND A HACKER) dont worry if you use dual space you wont get banned USE THIS SCRIPT TO WIN EASILY AND YOU CAN USE THE SPEED HACK FOR TEAM DEATHMATCH AND CLASH SQAUD USE THE SPEED HACK BY LONG PRESSING GG ICON USE ONLY SPEED UPTO 9 KINDLY GIVE CREDITS WHEN USING THIS SCRIPT FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND GIVE YOUR OPINION IF YOU FEEL MY WORK IS GOOD FOLLOW ME TWITTER: @balathemass2 INSTAGRAM: @balamazed MY MAIL ID: [email protected]
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