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Everything posted by BrenoJonathan

  1. AF2Amarelo.lua
  2. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_VIDEO) gg.searchNumber(" Q 04 01 78 40 04 00 54 10", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) --[[ found: 32 ]] gg.refineNumber(" Q 04 01 78 40", gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) --[[ found: 16 ]] gg.getResults(100) --[[ count: 16 ]] gg.editAll(" Q 00 80 3B 44", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  3. do you have a tutorial?
  4. Thanks! I will try the values. You know what is the information in some tutorials taught how to get to these numbers, the guys change the color of the doll, create wallhack, jump high, just with the GG. I wanted to learn how to use GG
  5. Does anyone know how to create wallhack for Android games using GG? preferably for "Area F2". I see videos of people researching character values, etc. How to find these values?
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