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Posts posted by Nuggatzzz

  1. 23 hours ago, silencesoulz said:

    Thanks to current event, I'm able to get building pattern data.

    The problem is, I can't get flag for lock/unlock, maybe anyone here already found it?



    Cant find it either... 


    On 4/29/2020 at 4:54 AM, unobelias01 said:

    How did you hack the Chaos Stone/s that led to ban?

    Out of curiosity. At that time i was thinking, can you hack a facility that's not on the gacha list? Cost diamond to remove it?

    The answer is yes....you can hack it

    I changed the quantity to 20.

    Aaaand on the next login...Just realized....i got banned...

    For those who willing to try, Chaos stone ID is 191

  2. 21 hours ago, silencesoulz said:

    Thanks for the reply, I guess I don't have to add Scholar for now because it's not gacha job.

    A very dumb question, what is chaos stone? Still stuck in rank 18 because too many restart account lol..

    Chaos Stone



  3. 12 hours ago, silencesoulz said:

    I'm still using v9.5, no problem at all..

    Still completing job mod, anyone know what job is it? The only one left beside Santa (id 133)

    If no one know then maybe I'm just backup my account, then try broaden job id range, with possibly being banned because try obtaining forbidden job like magic knight etc 😄


    F rank Scholar i guess..

    Since it has no stars



    [added 1 minute later]

    And for your information, dont try to hack chaos stone

    Got banned yesterday...

  4. Here some Skill_ID:

    Fire V : 9

    Ice V : 14

    Lightning V : 19

    Perfect Dodge : 28

    Area attack III : 35

    Heal L : 39

    Rev 50% : 40

    Rev 100% : 41 (i think) 

    Craftmanship V : 58

    Instant Workshop : 60

    Insta Move : 61

    Move Speed : 64

    Fac. Rec. Up MP : 80

    Stubborn : 81

    Sword res : 82

    Staff res : 83

    Axe res : 84

    Spear res : 85

    Hammer res : 86

    Club res : 87

    Gun res : 88

    Bow res : 89

    Book res : 90

    Shield res : 91

    Stealth : 92

    Instinct : 93

    Battle Maniac : 95

    Round trip : 97

    7 Hit att : 110

    Leading The Charge : 105

    Backup : 107

    Crit up+ : 108

    Skilled Craftman II : 112

    Armor Breaker IV : 116

    Sandman III : 119

    Chat III : 135


    About Eq_ID, im pretty sure @Soeffinhai already share it

    On 2/12/2020 at 10:05 PM, Soeffinhai said:

    This is for Equipment

    0 or 1(LOCK_TRIGGER)
    Unknown number
    0   (FAKE_QTY)

    Therefore we search:


    It would be best to FIRST to use with an item you have already in order to find the EQUIP_DATA_FLAG.

    After you find the flag, replace -2000000000~-100000000 with it.

    See excel attachment for EQUIP_ID (ROW = ID)

    EQUIPMENT_ID.xlsx 13.21 kB · 35 downloads


  5. This is how to unlock the All-out sprint skill at the very beginning.

    And again, try to use skill that you already have first in order to find Skill_Data_Flag (if you dont want ends up with 100 addresses or more)

    Here some Skill_ID

    Agriculturist 42

    Treasure Analisys 53

    Instant Workshop 60

    Craftmanship V 58 (if im not wrong) 



    -2000000000~-500000000 (Skill_Data_Flag)


    0 (Lock Triger)


    65 (Skill_ID)

    0~~0 (Dont know wtf is this)

    0 (Current Quantity) 



  6. In my opinion, try to use the job that you already have in order to find the Job_Data_Flag. It would be much easier with Job_Data_Flag.

    Here is my example:

    Im using rank D Mover to find my Job_Data_Flag



    With that value, i found 20 addresses (2 things with 10 addresses each). Well i messed up (Should've use 1 instead 0~1, because i already unlock/have the job).



    The first image is the right one, because it matches the condition


    -1.097.586.176 (Job_Data_Flag)


    1 (Lock Trigger) 

    1 (Lock Trigger??)

    20 (Rank D Mover Job_ID)

    100 (i dont know wtf is this) 

    -1.302.424.088 (neither this) 

    1 (Current quantity)




    And with this you have the Job_Data_Flag. Copy it and replace -2000000000~-500000000 with Job_Data_Flag. Then use it to find other job

    In my case, i tried to hack rank A mover that i dont have yet.



    Click the Job_Data_Flag (the first address) and click Go To.


    Then change the value. 


    And boom u have 17 rank A mover registered. 


    Sry for my bad english... Its not my first language... 

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