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Posts posted by ThienTeakee

  1. 9 minutes ago, AKidWithMidgetFriend said:

    The problem for GG WAS that it was a split apk, I was trying to post a non-split apk of the game but my internet is too bad and I was going to wait until I got to work tomorrow to do it. 

    But glad to hear you got it working!

    Yes, it worked with your help.

    Oh, one more thing. Do u know how to dump il2cpp using GG? I searched but all tutorial videos were deleted. I used GG then choosed "Dump Memory" option but it had many "libil2cpp.so" lines which made me confused :((


  2. 1 hour ago, AKidWithMidgetFriend said:

    Don't put in an address instead just hit XA and select the libil2cpp.so file (there isn't one for this game so I don't circle anything but your menu will look something like this choose the one with the libs file path)

    I can't find libil2cpp.so in my menu. What do I need to do then?

    Oh, I forgot. This game has 2 apk files: base and split_config_v8a. libil2cpp.so is in split_config_v8a file. I took them from /data/app with Root Explorer because it's a paid app.

    Screenshot_20210621-202524_Space Shooter VIP.jpg

  3. 9 minutes ago, AKidWithMidgetFriend said:

    I think there are 2 ways of going about this

    1) making the mod menu with GG using the offset to search and edit

    2)using PMT's mod menu tutorial and injecting your own overlay menu made by following their tutorial.

    Here's a decent tutorial on the PMT site that should be decently understandable for you https://platinmods.com/threads/mod-menu-for-il2cpp-and-native-android-games.64201/

    Good luck!

    Option 2 needs too much knowledge about Java. How can I search offsets in GG? I mean it has many type of value (DWORD, FLOAT,...) and I don't know what to choose :((

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm trying to make a mod menu for a game called "Space Shooter". I decompiled apk file, took libil2cpp.so and used il2cpp Dumper & dnSpy to dump it. So I had the function I want to modify and its information in the image bellow. What I have to do to find that function and change "0f" value insided it?

    *** I used to hack it by editing the hex code of the il2cpp file but I couldn't turn it on/off or just turned on some needed features. That's why i want to do the above

    Hope u guys can help

    Sorry for my Eng


  5. 29 minutes ago, Enyby said:

    Iterate over results, build table and pass it to setValues.

    Best solution if you have small amount of results.


    25 minutes ago, CmP said:

    The group search is not ordered, so I would prefer second approach from those Enyby mentioned. For this case it would be something like the following: 

    So that the only way is build a table and do a loop with if & elseif to edit? If this is PHP I will do that smoothly 😂

  6. 3 minutes ago, ItsSC said:

    As a noob, here is my solution.

    gg.searchNumber('1014350479;1012202996;1083179008;1050253722;1031127695;1065353216;1065353216;1067282596:61', 4) -- search
    gg.searchNumber("1014350479;1050253722;1031127695",4)-- refine the three values that you want to edit
    gg.editAll("1011011011;1;1",4) -- edit all of them individually


    Thank you, I will try that

  7. 4 minutes ago, zam535582 said:

    as a noob....this is how i would do it

    search =  '1.014.350.479;;;;;1.065.353.216;1.065.353.216;'

    refine to '1.014.350.479'

    then edit all to ''


    search = ';;;;;1.065.353.216;1.065.353.216;'

    refine to ';'

    then edit all to '1'

    not a perfect way i think.... but it did worked for me in some of the script that i made.


    Yes, that what I did and it worked well. But I want to find a shortcut 😂

  8. 9 minutes ago, Enyby said:

    Dot decimal separator. So '1.014.350.479' is not a valid number.

    For change one value from group search need do refine search and editAll after that.

    Or load all values and work with it in loop. Use 'if' and 'setValues'.

    Do I have to use clearResults after each refine search? Does old group's values exist to do refine search again after doing clearResults?

  9. Hi guys, I'm new at GG

    I have a script like this

    gg.searchNumber('1.014.350.479;;;;;1.065.353.216;1.065.353.216;', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)

    I want to change "1.014.350.479" to "" and ";" to "1". Because I only know how to edit all of them with "editAll()", not know how to group them like this.

    Thanks for your help

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