for example before I can freeze the current level in the game so when I proceed in the game it keep repeating the same level over and over again to gain gold and drops. Now when I freeze the day value the game ignores that and keeps on going to next level.
This is happening for all the other value such as mats used for fusing runes etc. freezing or editing no longer changes the in game value even tho the searched value is frozen in GG.
I have tried to modify some values in the game but no luck. I can search the value and confirm it is the right one (the searched value changes with the in game value.)
but when I edit it or freeze the searched value, in game value does not care and it stays to its true value and still can change as well.
I remember a long time ago when i played this all the value edit actually freezes and changes based on edit, seems like the dev has some how patched the value editing during recent updates.
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