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Posts posted by kelvin912

  1. ya....sadly no english version...but this game is famous in Japan and Asia. its has been in ps, ps2, 3, 4, even 5 hahaa

    [added 0 minutes later]

    thanks dude...i just hope see anything can mod so that can fasten the game progress haha


  2. can you share screen? as i can change the money value before however, its only the display underlying still the same.

    can you share the type you change ? is it you change the coin?

    if successfully change , you should able to buy unlimit thing at the shop.

    [added 2 minutes later]


  3. I have tried to mod the money and the point awarded in each game. I want to understand is this game have online part, is it unable to use GG to mod the data.




    Kelvin Lui

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