Why are you searching for these? The values change with each time you start the game so you can't search for values that worked for @NoFear and expect them to work for you. You need to start from about 45s and follow the steps from there.
Sorry, not sure how to edit my previous post.
Clarification - The control numbers actually change between game instances
Also - i was able to get myself almost 10k of the new war item via neomall by just adding 112 to the Dword of the Duck war item (for example, duck was 1,222,333,000, you just need to add 112 to get the number for the Med kit for 1,222,333,112). Hope this will help you all destroy some shields!
Thank you! Works great!
Just have a 3 follow-up questions :
* Have you figured out how to change the numbers as well, or have to copy the 3 values for now to go around the security? Seems that they are not changing when the game restarts, so i guess it's not a random encryption.
* How did you find out the Dword for the building?
* Any thoughts on how to change the number of experience points earned as part of upgrading a building?
I personally would love ability to either add SimCash (the green currency), or ability to make the War Cards cheaper in the War Store. Also, if there was an ability to buy more than 20 cards for magnetism or 10 cards for Mellow Bellow or even worse 5 cards for B Movie Monster.
If anyone knows of a way to modify SimCash, or purchase War Cards faster with your existing Sim Cash that still work and do not result in a ban, please let me know! Feel free to DM me, if you don't want to share out on the public forum! Thank you in advance!
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