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Files posted by n1ce0n3

  1. [1.2.3] Archero Hero Picker

    I am surprised to see that no one else uploaded that script 😮
    I've been using that method for a while (around a week) and my account is safe. Good for people, who want to try out new heroes, but either low on budget, or just dont wanna buy them.
    Still if something happens to your account I am not responsible for that blah blah blah, etc.
    feel free to let me know if there are some errors, but it should be ok
    p.s. currently picked hero stays in the memory of the game, so basically, you can start the game with an airplane or no internet access - pick desired hero and restart the game without GG after that
    video of the script in action
    Possible fixes in case of any issues:


       (2 reviews)



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