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  1. Yeah, if you try to get gems through other ways like editing shop values or reward values, the game will go high wire and something will go wrong, for example it wouldn't let me join online rankings but I can draw items with gems. So if something goes wrong, it's better to start a new game.
  2. How about instead of changing it, you use the "go to" function and see for yourself, usually I do that and change other values which seem "logical" or that's how I been doing it so far, didn't try on new version tho.
  3. For anyone asking, remove any stores you have. Stores alter the values. I realized that after I started a new game but I only started a new game to hack the job tickets so I can spam it. [added 0 minutes later] You......drunk? Hahaha
  4. You cannot hack the gems but you can hack the items that give free pulls. For example when you start the game the give you 3 items to pull professions. Hack that value and make it 999 then you can pull as many as you want.
  5. Yes thank you, but like I said, with my eyes, not through the search. It was a bit annoying. Usually gem back is done by going to items in shop that costs gem and making its value in negative. But it doesn't seem to work. Its probably not dword.
  6. I managed to hack it but manually, I searched the food i hacked before, then I select go to and looked for the values manually. Now what remains is gems.
  7. The updated one looks the same to me, any who, I updated, same results [added 1 minute later] So search for the max storage amount, then demolish one of the storages and search again? .. Okay, this will cost me wood haha...
  8. Here you go.. My suffering
  9. It's on all memories, except the red ones. Sometimes I find the values sometimes I don't. I used to find the energy but now I don't.
  10. Hello, Like I said before, game won't let me find those values. I see you reached rank 7 too so I think it's my phone problem. I still wonder why I find them on the first day only. Anywho thank you for your time, I up voted all your posts since you were nice enough to reply. I think this mean I have to play this game without hacks. Sigh
  11. Edit: okay, I figured it out, I can change the energy but not the wood n stuff because... When the game advances the wood becomes divided between multiple stores (I think), so basically it's the addition of multiple sources which is why I can't find it. How did you find the max value tho.
  12. It is a dword value right? Search the initial value, then search again when it changes. That's how I found it the first time but now it won't appear. I am pretty sure I didn't change anything in GG settings.
  13. Kindly read what I said, I managed to change all values except gems, but in the next day, it wouldn't let me. The values were d word as I mentioned before. I'll try again today. Could it be a problem in my phone?
  14. Hello Everyone, Name of Game: Kingdom adventurersPayback 2 Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.kairosoft.android.kingdom_en&hl=en Version if you know it: Not sure, latest. What cheat? EVERYTHING (wood, food, gems, etc...) Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Sorry for asking this of you but this game is strange, yesterday when i downloaded it, I could easily change the values (searching for Dword values and updating once they change, the simple way) except for gems (yes i tried changing the values of the items in the shop to negative but didn't work) ad i played for hours, but when I opened it today, NOTHING SEEMED TO WORK! the values wont change any more, like they do not appear in the search any more. the game only needs internet upon opening but it can be turned off later so its not server side. . any who, I came here after attempting for almost 6 hours, either I am hallucinating or the game evolved somehow. and there was no update since yesterday. Comments:
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