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Tama7 last won the day on December 4 2024

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    6.x (Marshmallow)
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    I dont know

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  1. Tama7

    Gold And Glory

    Need hack/script for this game,Like hack : attack speed,HP,speed player, Radar Or esp,Maphack and etc https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dois.greedgame
  2. So, how to fix it?
  3. If you see in the second photo, I searched for the number with all the memory and no it didn't find anything And the first photo I just used memory Range "Other" and it worked,Some people design their scripts using memory ranges from the Java heap to anonymous So I can't use it
  4. I can't find the number without using memory range the "Other",Previously I used redmi 9 to hack games and it worked in all memory ranges but after Change it with a new one it only worked in the "Other" memory range. I hope you understand, because I don't know how to explain it either.XD
  5. Why does this happen? I can't use public script
  6. How?,can u teach me?
  7. work online too?
  8. Is there anything hackable in the current version? 1821
  9. I can't use it, because I use tagged pointers which require me to add B40000 In each I look for the pointer and spend currency Doesn't work in emba shop event 2.0 Sorry for bad English btw
  10. FC on me
  11. Hack perk Does not work anymore,I use this Go accept the mission in survivor basecamp 20;1;100;5;1000;10;50(double) 1: reputation 10: money 50: experience @AngelWolfneed latest hack for event emba
  12. Can u share the vid bro?,I couldn't understand it without the video
  13. Help,the pointer cant find
  14. This should be used "gg",But this changes with "L*_*"
  15. The pointer is blank,maybe patched
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