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  1. View File TRIDENT CoD Mobile Edition CHEAT IS ACTIVE AGAIN!! TRIDENT COD ONLY FEATURES: Black Sky Unlimited Ammo M4 No Spread & No Recoil Black & White Chams Wall Climb Wall Hack Speed Hack with Knife (laggy) Delete Textures Fly Run With Scope Submitter 0x12b Submitted 05/31/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.5


    CHEAT IS ACTIVE AGAIN!! TRIDENT COD ONLY FEATURES: Black Sky Unlimited Ammo M4 No Spread & No Recoil Black & White Chams Wall Climb Wall Hack Speed Hack with Knife (laggy) Delete Textures Fly Run With Scope
  3. That's an interesting issue, I havent experienced it. What cheats are you activating that causes it? Could be related to your device specifically.
  4. One hit kill is already in the menu
  5. Depends on what you have on. Aim assist, fast hit, no grass hasn't cause me any warnings.
    Overall clean cheat, nice use of finding and storing values before selecting stuff makes the cheat load much quicker. A few things I'd recommend though is alerting that it's simply storing codes not actually activating them yet. All the alerts like "Invisible:D" makes you think its injected that code without selection. Also, I'd change the encryption. Revo recently released a new encryption lua that blocks a majority of hookers. Like the one publicly on here which can hook your menu easily. Other than that little stuff awesome menu if you want gun codes or anything for a weapon selection I have a mass list.
    Nice script, colors are a bit buggy but it's from the game unless display settings are MID or higher (esp light rendering) chams do not work correctly. Also exploration mode doesnt work. Trying to run just resets you back to original position.
  6. View File Golden Star V4 [Forward Assault 1.1038] V3 Released. Some features removed, some fixed. Features Free weapons in bomb defuse Magic bullets Big hitboxes Aimbot Jump 1-4 Speed x2-x10 FoV No Clip Wall Climb Spin Bot (purely for laughs hard to move.) Chams (white & black) Big mini map No recoil Fire Rate Burst Mode Invisible One hit kill Weapon Spawner Crouch Jump ________________ Here's a video of the script Credits to- Me, & the rest of the FA cheating community for pub cheats, for that reason this cheat is open source. Submitter 0x12b Submitted 03/07/2019 Category Forward Assault  
  7. Version 4.5


    V3 Released. Some features removed, some fixed. Features Free weapons in bomb defuse Magic bullets Big hitboxes Aimbot Jump 1-4 Speed x2-x10 FoV No Clip Wall Climb Spin Bot (purely for laughs hard to move.) Chams (white & black) Big mini map No recoil Fire Rate Burst Mode Invisible One hit kill Weapon Spawner Crouch Jump ________________ Here's a video of the script Credits to- Me, & the rest of the FA cheating community for pub cheats, for that reason this cheat is open source.
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