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    Samsung J4, Parallel space, Nox player

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  1. happy to hear that, sorry i work at a non signal area so i cant open a browser or even make a call . still learning on hacking carry capacity .
  2. Ah, found another method and it simple 1) make sure u have 2 amount item . 2) search value double 0.08 3) drop 1 amount 4) input 0.06 and refine search . 5) change it to whatever u want .
  3. Hi everyone im new here, i just want to share a way to multiply item for the latest version after read, learn, and tried a whole way this forum posted . 1) make sure u have a minimum 3 unit the item you want to multiply and the item must be in your inventory 2) set the search to Ca 3) make the fuzzy search with the setting double 4) drop 1unit item 5) fuzzy search > decrease 6) fuzzy search > unchange 7) drop 1 unit 8 ) fuzzy search > decrease 9) pick up 1 unit 10) fuzzy search > increase Do it till u have 6 - 30 memory After that seach for a value 0.8 - 0.01 (see the screenshot), change it to whatever u want, for me is 500, as for gasoline 5000 . Sorry im bad at english and im still a newbie, i just tried whatever i can, and still search the right value for caps . Much thanks for a guide above above and above me .
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