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Everything posted by paintball23456

  1. thanks mate
  2. so i dont get my kills and stuff? on my personal stats what about the prestige?
  3. hi all sorry for posting again(and probably in the wrong section) but i have a problem i am a level 90 in mc3 thanks to GG but i notice that my kills arnt increasing when i know that i get about 50-60 kill per match and they dont show up in my stats also om my main account i presidged by accident and now im stuck a f^*@!ng rank one i tried to get to rank 90 again with this tool and i cant any help?????? thanks in advance:(:distress: edit also my match history stays at one ;( can this be resloved in any way? modern combat 3 version 1.0.1
  4. thank you i will try that # works thank you so much im now rnak 90 mc3
  5. ok i here is my situation i cant lock values i did the APN and ad block stuff but the lock button is not there the box is but you cant tick it any help???? on ics
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