About This File
This script is no longer suppor.
Check the others scripts.
What's New in Version 1.5 See changelog
Update 1.5
New Features:
-added the "GhostMode"
-fixed some issue
if gg.alert('[WARNING] I do not take any responsibility for a possible ban or malfunction of the device. To continue?', 'Yes','No') ~= 1 then os.exit() end if gg.isVisible(true) then gg.setVisible(false) end gg.clearResults() goto START ::START:: menu= gg.choice({ '[Cheats]','<Credits>','Exit' },nil,'Forward Assault ModMenu 1.0') if menu == 1 then goto Cheats end if menu == 2 then goto Credits end if menu == nil then print('error') end goto finish ::Cheats:: menu= gg.choice({ '<Infinite Ammo>','<GhostMode>','<High Fire Rate>','<Aim Bot>','<Wall Climb>','<No Clip>','<UnderGround>','<Fly>','Back' },nil,'Cheats') if menu == 1 then goto IA end if menu == 2 then goto GM end if menu == 3 then goto HFR end if menu == 4 then goto AB end if menu == 5 then goto WC end if menu == 6 then goto NC end if menu == 7 then goto UG end if menu == 8 then goto F end if menu == nil then goto START end goto START ::IA:: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('444418', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(26) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('99999', gg.TYPE_DWORD)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::GM:: gg.searchNumber('1000.0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(1000) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::HFR:: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('444996', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445063', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445336', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults () gg.searchNumber('445088', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445244', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445244', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445078', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('445262', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_DWORD, 0, -1) gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('999999999', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('-11', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(4500) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1.0E-6', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) main() goto Cheats ::AB:: gg.searchNumber('0.55', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 1.0E-6) gg.getResults(400) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('1700', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('1;-0.1::', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(500) gg.editAll('1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(500) gg.editAll('1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(500) print('Replaced: ' ,gg.editAll('1000', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::WC:: gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("0.4999999702F;0.07999999821F;0.30000001192F::", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(50) gg.searchNumber(0.3, gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(50) gg.editAll(90, gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.clearResults() gg.toast("Activated") goto Cheats ::NC:: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('1.0E-6', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(500) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-2', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::UG:: gg.searchNumber('0.55', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 1.0E-6) gg.getResults(400) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('-1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::F:: gg.searchNumber('0.55', gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 1.0E-6) gg.getResults(400) print('Replaced: ', gg.editAll('12.0', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) gg.clearResults() goto Cheats ::Credits:: menu= gg.choice({ 'LupinV','DylanTroones','Back' },nil,'Credits') if menu == 1 then goto LupinV end if menu == 2 then goto DylanTroones end if menu == nil then goto START end goto START ::LupinV:: gg.alert('Creator of this Version of The ModMenu') goto Credits ::DylanTroones:: gg.alert('Creator of the original ModMenu') goto Credits ::finish:: gg.alert('Thanks for the download')