About This File
slowAES is an open-source library written in Lua that provides encryption and decryption capabilities based on the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm.
Key Features
- Supports AES key sizes:
- 128-bit (16 bytes)
- 192-bit (24 bytes)
- 256-bit (32 bytes)
- Supported encryption modes:
- CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)
- CFB (Cipher Feedback)
- OFB (Output Feedback)
- Includes padding/unpadding mechanisms to ensure data compatibility with AES requirements.
- Operates independently without external library dependencies.
Import the library
local slowAES = require("aes")
local plaintext = { /* Data to encrypt as a byte array */ }
local key = { /* Encryption key */ }
local iv = { /* Initialization Vector (IV) */ }
local mode = slowAES.modeOfOperation.CBC
local ciphertext = slowAES:encrypt(plaintext, mode, key, iv)
local decrypted = slowAES:decrypt(ciphertext, mode, key, iv)