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About This File

I don't take responsibility if your account gets banned


Sooooo.... Actually, this is my first script I have ever made in Lua. This was good experience for me. I am interested in hacking games but I guess it is just my hobby. I am not expert in these sphere, but I have heard many people want to have auto farm script for Sky. Wouldn't say if there is none, but there are scripts for sky that are actually good, but mostly, they are paid. I don't think that everyone would buy it, because some people doesn't want to pay anything, some people wants but cannot pay. Well, less words, more knowledge about this script.

Firstly, this is not a professional script, and made only for entertainment. I don't guarantee that this script will work on all devices.

Everything it can do is:

1. Auto CR

2. Auto candle burn, Unlock Cosmetics/Emotes/Friendship Nodes, Unlimited energy, Fast steps

3. Teleporter

4. Props hack

5. Capes hack (Invisible, Office, Nintendo red/blue capes)

6. and more...

Click on things you see there and learn what does what (But be careful with Auto CR)

WARNING. As I said, this is not script made by professional. Please, make sure that you run script when you login to your account. Sometimes it might not work, just try restarting script once more.

Also, write comments, Because I want to improve script and collect more experience πŸ™‚


When using AutoCR, if you wait more than 4 seconds, there will be helper menu:

 - Previous button will teleport you to the previous candle point

 - Next button will teleport you to the next candle point

 - End here button will end AutoCR in a place where you are. Basically, will stop AutoCR.

 - ABORT! button will end AutoCR and will teleport you to point where you started AutoCR. Helpful in cases when you accidentally AutoCR wrong place

I will improve everything in the future


(Unlimited energy and Fast steps were made thanks to this guy's script:

Sky: Children of The Light (#54te264s)

I didn't copy anything from there, but this helped in making my script and to understand how to make scripts.

And huge thanks for Kiojeen, the author of "Hellboy.lua" (https://github.com/Kiojeen/HellBoy)(discontinued)


08.07.2022 - Script should work fine now

xx.09.2022 - Script discontinued.

Edited by gxost

What's New in Version x.y.z   See changelog


- Script has it is own Changelog now. See updates from there.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Ehmm , im have done to try that script

Work with energy wing  

Auto farm , teleport  i trying 20 times restart can't work nothing happend , 

Can you fix that? im glad if i can try the next update this script , couse this newest script in2022 

Well ganbatte oniichan :V




i can't code i just try some script to use  

This my dc




OoO. Oki oki, the thing is, it is late here in my region, so I gotta sleep. Well, thank you for comment, guess I know what to do... but let's see. Thank you for files as well, I will look at them now, hope I can understand some things.

(Btw, script works on my device, I guess I made script that can find play coordinate only on my device... that's why it doesn't work on others)



Script ended:
Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/sky_cotl_autocr.lua:341
`                                if points[i].time <= 100 then`
attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'time' (field '?')
level = 1, const = 32, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 9, code = 197
GETTABLE v3 v3 "time"
 ; PC 151 CODE 01C500C7 OP 7 A 3 B 3 C 276 Bx 1812 sBx -129259
stack traceback:
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/sky_cotl_autocr.lua:341 in function 'DoPoints'
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/sky_cotl_autocr.lua:424 in function 'start'
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/sky_cotl_autocr.lua:600 in main chunk
    [Java]: in ?
    at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989)
    at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864)
    at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767)
    at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:176)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:535)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056)
    at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)


This result for autocr in isle  

Device : redmi note 8 , nusantara os android 10



The game has just been updated again, waiting for version 0.0.8 πŸ˜‚


Keep it up Gxost



Nicely done very useful

how long did this take you?


Posted (edited)

  On 7/31/2022 at 5:24 PM, hellohowru said:

Nicely done very useful

how long did this take you?


idk, I think it took me a week to understand how scripts are made, since this is my first script πŸ˜…

PS. update soon

Edited by gxost


  On 8/5/2022 at 2:46 PM, gxost said:

idk, I think it took me a week to understand how scripts are made, since this is my first script πŸ˜…

PS. update soon


Hello @gxost, today 29/11 a new Sky update was released. Version 206971 refers to the new game Aurora version, and the Script gxost.lua is in version 204815 (an old version). When running the Script on the GG it no longer works and asks for the complete update.

I kindly ask you to update gxost.lua for this new aurora update.. πŸ™


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