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Everything posted by GrovestreetKeys

  1. View File ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED (ARK MOBILE) ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED (ARK MOBILE) ONLINE SCRIPT - ALL GAME MODES - WORKING WITH THE LATEST ARK MOBILR VERSION 2.0.22 Features: ' ✖ [ PVP-BUILDS ] anti BAN.', ' ✖ [ ANTENNA ] ', ' ✖ [ AIMBOT ] ', ' ✖ [ CLEAR LAND ] ', ' ✖ [ NIGHT VISION ] ', ' ✖ [ ROCKET SPAM | UNDERWATER SHOT ] ', ' ✖ [ X RAY ]', ' ✖ [ WIDE CAMERA ] ', ' ✖ [ BODY COLOR | NO RECOIL | CLEAR WATER ] Combined by Verca as the VercaHackTool Submitter GrovestreetKeys Submitted 03/29/2021 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 10


    ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED (ARK MOBILE) ONLINE SCRIPT - ALL GAME MODES - WORKING WITH THE LATEST ARK MOBILR VERSION 2.0.22 Features: ' ✖ [ PVP-BUILDS ] anti BAN.', ' ✖ [ ANTENNA ] ', ' ✖ [ AIMBOT ] ', ' ✖ [ CLEAR LAND ] ', ' ✖ [ NIGHT VISION ] ', ' ✖ [ ROCKET SPAM | UNDERWATER SHOT ] ', ' ✖ [ X RAY ]', ' ✖ [ WIDE CAMERA ] ', ' ✖ [ BODY COLOR | NO RECOIL | CLEAR WATER ] Combined by Verca as the VercaHackTool
  3. this works well with the usual virtual apps like virtual spaces (pro,lite) if you want too optimise a version that enyby hasn't uploaded yet to the non root download section. I used apps on my phone to complete this. I used luckypatcher to sign my apk file with a test signature, after i decompiled it using apk tool, then Cx file Explorer to edit the manifest.xml file, and build with apk editor pro. Make sure that you optimise the 32bit, or 64bit support apk as well!
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