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  1. I'll release a new update in a day or 2, hopefully will have values narrowed down and you won't have to refine searches anymore.
  2. I use the bypass force close to prevent me from getting kicked when using speed hack. It causes my ping to not go over 900. When I use speed hack at like 6 or even 9 sometimes I get kicked but if I run the bypass force close it will let me stay on server longer
  3. View File FREEFIRE BYPASS/Unban v1.52 Latest update FREE FIRE LATEST VERSION, Seen someone post they need a bypass for FreeFire v1.52 so here it is and working. If you encounter any errors please leave a comment with your error log so I may look into it. Was tested on a ROOTED Android 10 device using Game Guardian v99. May still work without root in Virtual Space just haven't tested myself. If you use Virtual Space and it works please comment below and let others know it works. Thank you in advance Submitter ShamelesCampR559 Submitted 09/08/2020 Category Free Fire  
  4. The first three menus you use to narrow your refined search, it's still a work in progress but almost there haven't been able to get it directly to one exact address that it needs to be at, if you know how to keep refining down your search they do work
  5. Version 1.0.0


    FREE FIRE LATEST VERSION, Seen someone post they need a bypass for FreeFire v1.52 so here it is and working. If you encounter any errors please leave a comment with your error log so I may look into it. Was tested on a ROOTED Android 10 device using Game Guardian v99. May still work without root in Virtual Space just haven't tested myself. If you use Virtual Space and it works please comment below and let others know it works. Thank you in advance
  6. View File Survival Simulator Lua script Survival Simulator Lua script made by me. This is my first lua script. It works can find the correct values to change so you don't have to search. Antenna head so you can see the players around the map sometimes antenna head causes the animals on the map to have antenna head as well I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm looking forward to learning more and becoming a big part of the scripting scene. Comment below any error logs and I'll look into it. I only have tested this on my ROOTED Android 10 device, using Game Guardian v99. No Parallel Space used Submitter ShamelesCampR559 Submitted 09/07/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  7. Version 1.1.0


    Survival Simulator Lua script made by me. This is my first lua script. It works can find the correct values to change so you don't have to search. Antenna head so you can see the players around the map sometimes antenna head causes the animals on the map to have antenna head as well I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm looking forward to learning more and becoming a big part of the scripting scene. Comment below any error logs and I'll look into it. I only have tested this on my ROOTED Android 10 device, using Game Guardian v99. No Parallel Space used
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