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Everything posted by Buffo

  1. Buffo

    Android 12?

    Same here with my S22 (Android 12) Same exact problem with Android 11 on my old smartphone. Parallel space is the only virtual space my game works with, which otherwise detects root and does not start. But I've never been able to get GG to work from Android 10 onwards. I had found a modified version of Parallel Space, but the game didn't work there, it crashed on startup. So, sadly, not solution for me.
  2. Buffo

    Android 12?

    Same with Galaxy S22
  3. I'm having a issue with GG with Android 10. As soon as I start I script I get an error message. Same does not happen with Android 9 This is what I get Script terminato: errore di script: luaj.LuaError: load /storage/emulated/0/Obitonew.lua: luaj.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Obitonew.lua:1 `Revo6.0�,�6z��r��Oz|�` syntax error near '.0' at luaj.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:997) at luaj.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:255) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5825) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:5618) Caused by: luaj.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Obitonew.lua:1 `Revo6.0�,�6z��r��Oz|�` syntax error near '.0' at luaj.compiler.LexState.lexerror(LexState.java:295) at luaj.compiler.LexState.syntaxerror(LexState.java:299) at luaj.compiler.LexState.check_condition(LexState.java:1012) at luaj.compiler.LexState.exprstat(LexState.java:2179) at luaj.compiler.LexState.statement(LexState.java:2273) at luaj.compiler.LexState.statlist(LexState.java:2290) at luaj.compiler.LexState.mainfunc(LexState.java:2306) at luaj.compiler.LuaC$CompileState.luaY_parser(LuaC.java:121) at luaj.compiler.LuaC.compile(LuaC.java:99) at luaj.Globals.compilePrototype(Globals.java:364) at luaj.Globals.loadPrototype(Globals.java:352) at luaj.Globals.load(Globals.java:267) at luaj.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:249) ... 2 more
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