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great little war game(V.1.2.4)


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You don't need to mod the game... Use the GameGuardian to hack! It can be done very easily, the value of the gold can be found and can be change just like that (:

But if you still want a mod then, wait for someone to mod it, I can't do that lol


This is a way to hack the game.... It took me like a second! It saves so much time!

  1. Open both GLWG, and GameGuardian
  2. Play normally
  3. Input the amount of gold you have
  4. Earn some or spend some
  5. Input new value
  6. Repeat step 5 a few times until you get 3 addresses
  7. Change all 3 addresses to what however much you want
  8. Spend away!


Sorry if the image isn't cleared, I reduced the size of it and it looks very ugly lol

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