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TheSculptor last won the day on April 18 2018

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  1. View File PUBG mobile FREE ver 1(VIP not release public) This is the free script for public release ONLY COLOR (AIMBOT ARE DISABLE) I will release more feature function etc.no recoil/reduce fall damage ( no recoil still have some error every time using it will crash the game after a match) Aimbot is for VIP ONLY Working bypass (undetected) for VIP will be give extra guide for more safety to the account using the script VIDEO for aimbot will be upload soon. Thank you for waiting. Submitter TheSculptor Submitted 04/19/18 Category LUA scripts
  2. Version 1


    This is the free script for public release ONLY COLOR (AIMBOT ARE DISABLE) I will release more feature function etc.no recoil/reduce fall damage ( no recoil still have some error every time using it will crash the game after a match) Aimbot is for VIP ONLY Working bypass (undetected) for VIP will be give extra guide for more safety to the account using the script VIDEO for aimbot will be upload soon. Thank you for waiting.
  3. bypass still gonna get u guys banned if got patched so its gonna waste ur money buying for $16
  4. scammed dont fall for it _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later there are free bypass anyone need it just p.m me, this guy scamming for real
  5. i knew it , it gonna be patched. no wonder this guys sell the vip for so low price and the code is so lame
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