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Posts posted by Rockywest

  1. @iBaysicRS perhaps because your cheating a bit too much lol. Don't be going crazy with item amounts. Like for ex: Having over 100k of every med is a bit suspicious.

    Having 100,000,000 of a rare item is suspicious.

    Having 1,000,000 of greenhouses is suspicious.

    Only give yourself what you need and don't over do it.  The hack it's self is not detected by the game it's self ,but there are moderators that are out and about as well.

  2. So I've been trying to find a way to accumulate some of the coins. So far the only way I thought of is to purchase them, then edit the country value.


    If only there was a ad option built in that would offerd a few coins in turn for watching a video- I've edited lots of values that way from the ad offers.


    I'm going to keep looking for different ways.


    On 1/15/2019 at 10:47 PM, susanokuu said:

    hey man

    thank you very much


    your tutorial work as hell bro

    um, can i download your video just in case if i forget


    my device are rooted

    and i'm trying if your way can do the same with another item ?

    Well you don't need my permission. Xd

  4. On 1/9/2019 at 9:07 PM, Xalen said:

    Hey, im new here but also love Day R. I was wondering if you could show me the caps hack for my save too. My device is rooted.

    Day r survival caps hack tested on 1.620;


    I'd recommend having at least 2500 caps to start with this hack.

    Step 1: do an unknown search( float value)

    Step 2:After the search is done purchase a coupon from the shop or something that's 100 caps or less to avoid running out.

    Step 3: go back into the search , continue using unknown search, (click decreased)

    Note: repeat steps 2 and 3 until you come down to 5 values or less).


    Step 5; once you get down to around 5 values, click edit all.(I'd recommend editing the values to 500 or so) 


    Step 6, once you done that in step 5, purchase something in the shop and see your caps value sky rocket to your heart's consent.


    (This hack is not mine and I do not take credit.)

    important note; this will automatically ban you online, however, if you play offline and want to cheat, this works perfectly. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


  5. 13 hours ago, Xalen said:

    Hey, im new here but also love Day R. I was wondering if you could show me the caps hack for my save too. My device is rooted.

    Alrighty, I'll send you some steps on how to do it in a few hours. At work currently. It's pretty ease. No technical skills needed. But keep in mind that if this will be for online, it automatically banns you.?

  6. If you sign up with an account in here you can attach files , save files, pictures, video links ,ect. 


    In some pages back if you look, someone already has posted some modified saves. 


    If your device is rooted susanokuu I can show you a caps hack for one of your own saves. 

  7. Yes, for sure the item swap still works for online. (Type of value is double, then go into inventory, have the item you are searching for selected,then search the value. Once the search is done, select a different item in the inventory, then refine it with the value of the selected item, then edit that item when there is that single value being searched for. Drop the item, then the item value is changed). noFears item swap still works online without banning you.read that someone said it did banning them a bit ago. Shouldn't unless you follow steps correctly.



    NoFear, perhaps take that item swap value (an item that's actively selected in the inventory), then change the item ID to the caps Id, then drop it?  eh I am not sure if I explained what I'm trying to say clearly, makes sense to me. I'll try it my self if I can find the caps item id, which I believe is posted in the earlier posts.

  8. Yes you can edit the ad caps reward. It's as soon as the value is changed you receive a ban from the server. Seems to have a database tracking how much to give from an add in my inference,once it's changed lower or higher, boom!

  9. On 9/13/2018 at 7:17 PM, NoFear said:

    Yup. Confirmed. I can add ANYTHING in the game that exists. Basically convert an item in inventory to something else.

    Found out why I couldn't watch video ads. For some reason my cellular network wouldn't work , but when I connect to a WiFi network, I'm able to watch ads. For those doing the ad gold hack, keep this in mind.

  10. Well, for the most part everything is able to be obtained with ease, just need to place in some farming time to gather the items.  

    Some difficult items you can't buy: steel, honey and all of the variety of mushrooms.


    Mushrooms are ease to obtain, but consume time to gather in decent quantities.

    If possible, is there a way you can also show how to replace an inventory items with caps?

    If so that item swap hack can cone in handy!

  11. I've been trying to find out how he can replace items with caps, or any other inventory items for the past 2 hours. I give up Lol. I'll wait till nofear shows the process that he did .


  12. ?... Would it be possible to replace an inventory item with caps(in game currency)? I looked further into the reason I might not be able to watch ads, it may be my Google play services package version, perhaps it could be due to the incorrect DPI ?. When you get the time, I'd appreciate it if you could write down the process of what you can do to replace items with a different item.

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