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Posts posted by Jenneh

  1. UPDATE: added v1.1 on MEGA, added support email on original post, working on a machine for you intel cats. stay tuned for v1.2 here in a couple of weeks. Please provide feedback to email and free members who want a free copy of VIP Jenneh motion when it becomes available can get signed up for BETA TESTING by EMAILING me at [email protected] send me an email with the SUBJECT: BETA and include your email in the description to get instant links to new versions of Jenneh Motion sent to your email with feedback forms. Thank you all for your help!

  2. Where can i download the updated version? Link in first post seems to be broken


    Edit: nvm, downloading now

    email me should you have problems with lagzors, trying to work out bugs before i release vip machine. 

  3. No problem. Glad to be here. Frankly my knowledge base isn't very traditional, primarily self taught since I was a kid, so it may not be all that useful to many people. I try to show people how I do things, and usually people get irritated because I don't explain things how they would expect :/ . Was able to learn a few things recently that I couldn't because of lacking alright hardware, I just barely managed to get up the funds to build the rig I'm on now, upgraded from an ASUS G71-GX. That old notebook lasted me a while, but it's pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur now.


    Can't wait to learn something new, been a while. Also, if you want I can drop you a link to my twitch channel through a PM, since you seemed interested in that.


    Also, not too worried about the profile pic, it's probably one of the best personal pics I have right now anyway, and I don't feel like loading up GIMP right now and making a new icon lol. I'd use a more recent pic (on FB) but I look kind of like a long haired mountain man.

    Hecks yeah will def check it out if you send link :D And I feel you on the self taught business. I dropped out of college bc i felt it was a waste of time and learned everything i know just by watching youtube videos so i dont think its how you learn it, its what you do with it and how you replicate it so others can learn too and that is what counts. Teaching more would be modders means more games for us and sometimes a piece of data that may seem insignifigant to you can open up an entire world for another person! So don't sell your knowledge short. It is valuable to the right persons. Def glad you made it 

  4. Hello everybody! I was pointed here by someone I met through happenstance so we could try to get in touch, pretty sure she will recognize a portion of my username. Also, this topic fascinates me and has for a long time. I have been messing with computers for years and years but have yet to look into anything to do with Android or iOS devices, so this should be fun. Other than that, let's see...


    I'm a father of two, happily in a relationship, love computers and gaming, I do livestreams (not all that popular... yet anyway XD), do a lot of modding for PC games but rarely release anything. If there are any players of FNV around here on PC and have used the mod Spice of Life by Nivea, it was originally built on a clothing distribution framework I made so others could easily incorporate their favorite mod added items into the world, but it has since become standalone in that regard, and remains awesome :D.


    So yeah, hope to learn some stuff here and meet people to talk with at random. :)


    EDIT: Heh, didn't realize it would use my FB pic as a profile pic. Meh, no biggie. It was from my sister's wedding. Very bright out, and I am very pasty white. Sorry for the retina damage!

    So very happy to see you here! Your server knowledge absolutely fascinated me and I appreciate you took the time to make an account :D Totally no where near your level of knowledge but def looking forward to learning and exchanging ideas. lots of fun android stuffs on here as well as other things

  5. Wow!!! great to hear that.


    Thanks alot really need those bot due to busy working schedule can't always play castle clash even i'm disgustingly addicted.

    hahaha me too x.x job makin us do mandatory ot so thats why  i look into the bots. been doing this months now XD will release update when i get offs zeh workzors and can test with a few windows clients/ network configurations, etc.

  6. Downloded and run but it keep on Lag and Jam when we on castle clash

    Try enable the options on the first video, the developer option video, if that doesn't fix it  I'm releasing updates tonight with more games, etc and a VIP + Machine with moddified build.prop

    This first version is just the public beta version

    Real Jenneh Motion will be in VIP

    Getting close to working out the bugs, thank you for all the feedbacks :D

  7. does work on linux?

    Yes the linux installers are in genymotion setup link and it works in Virtual Linux's as well. So you could make a really nice virtual Linux rig in VMware or VMBox then inside that rig, download genymotion and virtual box and there fore enter the 4th dimension of virtualization. IDK what you would use it for, I just know it's there and it works, virtual windows doesn't work due to open gl error which is a whole other cunnundrum I dare not sink any time into....

  8. I did everything as said but the game does not turn on :/

    Intel core2 duo cpu E4500 @2.20ghz

    4 gb ram

    32 bit 

    What could be the problem?

    IGG patched some aspects of the build.prop on the emulators, but i have a fix, later tonight i will release Jenneh Motion which is a one click virtual tablet installer that will have Castle Clash preloaded with ABM script and many modded games and hacker tools tested and working. Stay tuned!

  9. Oh ok. So your friend was doing it on ios or android, right? i'd like to hack on that too. i hadn't really messed around with that. i play on several accounts and would love to boost a few of them i've found some stuff with the mana and gold on facebook already - by using cheat engine. But I can only use the hack for just a bit and then it just doesn't work anymore. I would definitely love to break through the coding and find something for the shards and gems. Grrrrrrr, I get so frustrated!! lol .... anyways, hope you're having fun at work. I'm off to bed! Night and thanks :)

    no on facebook with cheat engine. ima just make  a tutorial showing how to use cheat engine to find values and post it whether i find anything worthwile or not haha will work on it tonight, granted my hackintosh hard drive didnt already arrive

  10. Jenneh - Could you or would you share the trick you used for increasing gems from clearing the trees or rocks? (if that is what you meant?) I tried hacking gems and it looked like it changed them but in fact it didn't. It wouldn't let me make any purchases and it actually took the frew gems that I did have and gave me nothing... lol . Basically did the same thing with shards. It looked like I had enough but it wouldn't actually follow through with the purchase of an legend hero. But thankfully it didn't take what few shards I have :)  Any tips or tricks would be appreciated and if I find anything, I will share. Thanks!!!

    I haven't actually cracked anything on fb version yet, was only on there to troll that night haha and make the cheat engine video, but my friend found in the coding that its not labled gems but jewel or something like that if it helps. stuck at work or I would do further checking. may look into it llater tonight

  11. Where did you find out about this new hero? I tried searching for it and found nothing. :)

    Haha, well I have friends that are even more addcited to the game than me, and they found it XD noticed like 70 percent of people here like castle clash so i thought i would share. PLUS GUISE I SEE ILLUMINATE SYMBOLISMS EVERYWHEREZ omg ... IGG is the devil! Jay Kay haha do see triangles a lot in their new layouts tho may play another troll on that in the future haha


    With working Castle Clash Bot, script in about section on youtube!

    Script built for low might smurfs, does a pvp raid, an arena battle and hbm A at the end, infinitely~ on as many virtual machines as your physical rig can handle!

    Soon I will be able to provide custom virtual machines to VIP+ when time allows. More to come!

    Happy day! ;D

    Make sure you place your arena on the middle land piece with the house icon or w/e it is and are deshielded for it to work properly



  13. I added all GAPPS zips to GENYMOTION TOOLS zip link and included new video showing developer options to set to ensure optimal gameplay.

    Worth noting that cheat engine can be used on Genymotion





    HIRO MACRO PRO... PRO BOTTER XD What Genymotion is good for ;]
  14. yes.

    In one Group on facebook. i see someone had the trick. But they not share :(

    Sr for my bad english :D

    I wasn't able to get it working correctly tonight but im certain I can figure it out. Won't be able to work on this for a day or two though. I did however find that the country code shows it as uk 

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