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Everything posted by drstrange

  1. hi Bro, i have tested but only error : Script terminé: Erreur du script: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Hook_Offset_Searcher(by Lover1500).lua:-1 attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'start' (field '1') level = 1, const = 211, proto = 5, upval = 16, vars = 75, code = 1355 GETTABLE v23 v23 "start" ; PC 982 CODE 0BED85C7 OP 7 A 23 B 23 C 438 Bx 12214 sBx -118857 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Hook_Offset_Searcher(by Lover1500).lua: in function </storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Hook_Offset_Searcher(by Lover1500).lua:24> (...tail calls...) [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:207) at luaj.am.b(src:73) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:600) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
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